The installer exata-cps-X.X-windows-installer-64bit.exe is provided in the Customer CD upon delivery of a new system. Alternatively, the latest version can be downloaded here: EXata CPS 1.1 Installers (Windows & Simulator) . Please contact the Support team via the contact form if you do not have it.
- Double click on the installer file to start the setup wizard and install EXata CPS. It is recommended to keep the default settings.
- Once the installation is completed, continue with installing the license to be able to open the software.
Info |
*Note: The Host ID will be a MAC Address of one of the ports of the Windows computer. Make sure to use a physical port (not Wi-Fi nor a USB-to-Ethernet Dongle). |
Info |
For people using a server floating license, please follow the steps of the document SCALABLE-LicenseServerSetupGuide-XXXXX.pdf . This document can be found here: C:\Program Files\Scalable\exata-cps\<version>\documentation: EXata-LicenseSetupGuide-112022.pdf . |
Simulator License
If it is a new system, the simulator's license is installed and tested by OPAL-RT before delivery. There is nothing to do.
- Log (or register) into Keysight's licensing website at: https://www.keysight.com/find/epsoftware to redeem your license. You will need the following information
- Keysight Order Number and Keysight Certificate Number from the top of the certificate
- Host ID* (Instructions will be provided during the redemption process in the licensing website)
Once you have redeemed your license, you will receive an email with the license file and further instructions to activate your license.
Warning The Host ID in this case will be the MAC Address of eno2. Do not use the MAC address of the interface used to communicate with the windows computer or you will lose the connection when starting the EXata simulation on the simulator!
- Upload the license on the simulator in the following directory /opt/Scalable/exata-cps/1.1<version>/license_dir/ .
- This is it. No extra command required.
- HYPERSIM 2019.2 or later (For EXata CPS 1.1, HYPERSIM 2023.1 or later is recommended)
- Installation file: exata-cps-X.X-linux-installer-64bit-rhel8
- latest version can be downloaded here: EXata CPS 1.1 Installers (Windows & Simulator).The file can be found in the Customer CD. Please contact the Support team via the contact form if you do not have it.
- The simulator's login credentials
- This can be found in the System Description document provided with the simulator
- An SSH Client tool such as MobaXterm