Table of Contents |
Below is the list of commands for the HYPERSIM® API (windows).
Connect HyJavaApi to HYPERSIM
- host (str): computer name
- register (str): user name
- timeout (int timeout for function
- index (int): Hyworks index to register to
Returns error value
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
Disable HyWorksApi from returning HYPERSIM exceptions through Python
Disable HyWorksApi from returning ScopeView exceptions through Python
Enable HyWorksApi to return HYPERSIM exceptions through Python
Enable HyWorksApi to return ScopeView exceptions through Python
Get HYPERSIM property
Parameters :
Returns HYPERSIM property
Return type str
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
- HyWorksApi.getProperty("hyworks.hysim.extraTimeout")
Returns HYPERSIM properties
Return type str
Set HYPERSIM general property
Parameters :
- key(str): property key
- value(str): property value
- save(bool): save preferences for the next session
Returns error value
Return type bool
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
- HyWorksApi.setProperty("hyworks.hysim.extraTimeout", "1200000")
- HyWorksApi.setProperty("hyworks.hysim.extraTimeout", "1800000", True)
Open and connect HyJavaApi to HYPERSIM
- host (str computer name
- register (str): user name
- stdout: standard output
- stderr: standard error
- timeout (int): timeout for function
Returns error value
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
startHyperWorks(stdout=None, stderr=None):
- stdout: standard output
- stderr: standard error
Close design
Returns error value
Return type int
Disconnect HyWorksApi from the HYPERSIM model
Returns error value
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
Print component interconnections to STDOUT
Returns error value
Return type int
Get current model preferences
Return type str
Import EDD to current HYPERSIM model
- eddFilePath (str): path to EDD (.edd)
- doConnections (bool): connect imported devices
Returns error value
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
Create new HYPERSIM model
Parameters designFilePath (str): path to the HYPERSIM model (.ecf)
Returns error value
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
Open HYPERSIM model
Parameters designPath (str): path to HYPERSIM model (.ecf)
Returns error value
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
Check connections by page connectors
Recommended after build circuits involving page connectors via API
Returns error value
Return type int
Save current HYPERSIM model
Returns error value
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
Save current HYPERSIM model
Returns error value
Return type int
- eddFilePath (str): path to EDD (.edd)
- doConnections (bool): connect imported devices
Returns error value
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
Activate a list of observable pins on the device
- blocA (str): name of the first device
- observables (list(str)) ; list of observable names. If list is empty, all observables are removed. Note that it does not append, but is the final list of observables.
Returns error value
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
- HyWorksApi.activateObservables('Imeas1', ['a', 'b'])
- HyWorksApi.activateObservables('Imeas1', [])
Add a control signal to HYPERSIM model
- signalName(str): signal name
- points(list(int)): list of points as X-Y coordinates
- hitCheck(bool): true to check for connections to other signals at both ends of the line.
- subcircuit (str subcircuit path
Returns unique signal name
Return type str
Example :
- HyWorksApi.addControlSignal('signal1', [[-700, 0], [700, 0], [700, 700])
Add a 1 phase bus to HYPERSIM model.
Note : until connected to a power pin, a 1 phase bus is considered a control signal
- signalName(str): signal name
- points(list(int)): list of points as X-Y coordinates
- hitCheck(bool): true to check for connections to other signals at both ends of the line.
- subcircuit (str) : subcircuit path
Returns unique signal name
Return type str
Example :
- HyWorksApi.addBus1ph('myBus', [[-700, 0], [700, 0]])
Add a bus to HYPERSIM model
- signalName(str): signal name
- points(list(int)): list of points as X-Y coordinates
- hitCheck(bool true to check for connections to other signals at both ends of the line.
- subcircuit (str) : subcircuit path
Returns unique signal name
Return type str
Example :
- HyWorksApi.addBus3ph('myBus', [[-700, 0], [700, 0]])
Add device to HYPERSIM model
- libName (str): device library name
- blocName (str): device name
- coordX (int): X coordinate
- coordY (int): Y coordinate
- page (int): page number
- subcircuit (str) : subcircuit path
- name (str) : Name to assign to the device. If non, a default name will be assigned
Returns unique device name, reusable in the other APIs
Return type str
- HyWorksApi.addDevice('Network RLC.clf', 'R grounded', 700, 700)
- HyWorksApi.addDevice('Network RLC.clf', 'R grounded', 700, 700, 1, "MySubCircuit", "Resistor1")
Add pins, bundles, or pins inside bundles on a device
- name(str): device name
- cardinalPoint(str): Location on the symbol of the device
- function(str): The function of the listed pins. Input, Output or Power
- pins(list[str]): List of pins
- redraw (bool) : if True, the symbol will be redrawn with a default representation
Returns error value
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
- HyWorksApi.addPinsToDevice('SubCircuit1', 'N', 'I', ['in1'], True)
- HyWorksApi.addPinsToDevice('SubCircuit7', 'S', 'P', ['pow1'], True)
- HyWorksApi.addPinsToDevice('SubCircuit7', 'S', 'P', ['pow1'], TrueHyWorksApi.addPinsToDevice('SubCircuit1', 'W', 'O', ['Bundle1[o1]', 'Bundle1[o2]', 'Bundle1[o3]'], True)
- And to make a sub circuit port connect with the sub circuit pins
- HyWorksApi.addPinsToDevice('SubCircuit1/SubCircuitPort', 'W', 'I', ['PORT[o1]', 'PORT[o2]', 'PORT[o3]')
Connect two bundle pins together
- blocA (str): name of the first device
- signalListA (list[str]): list of first bundle signals. ex: [‘a’,’b’,’c’]
- blocB (str): name of the first pin
- signalListB (list[str]): list of second bundle signals. ex: [‘a’,’b’,’c’]
Returns error value
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
Connect two device pins
- blocA (str name of the first device
- pinA (str): name of the first pin
- blocB (str): name of the second device
- pinB (str): name of the second pin
- isThreePhaseAndPowerFlexible (bool): make the connection 3 phase, for components which can be both 1 phase or 3 phases
- signalName (str): new signal name on the connection
Returns error value
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
- HyWorksApi.connectDevices('Max1', 'y', 'mySubCircuit', 'a1', False)
- HyWorksApi.connectDevices('mySubCircuit/B1', 'a1', 'mySubCircuit/Gain1', 'u', False)
Connects a device onto a control signal
- deviceName (str): device name
- pinName (str device pin name
- signalName (str): signal name
Returns error value
Return type bool
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
- HyWorksApi.connectDeviceToControlSignal('Const1', 'y', 's1')
Connects a device onto 1 phase bus
- deviceName (str): device name
- pinName (str): device pin name
- signalName (str): signal name
Returns error value
Return type bool
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
- HyWorksApi.connectDeviceToBus1ph('R1', 'net_1', 'myBus')
- HyWorksApi.connectDeviceToBus1ph('SubCC1/SubSubCC1/R3', 'net_1', 'myBus')
Connects a device onto 3 phase bus
- deviceName (str): device name
- pinName (str): device pin name
- signalName (str): signal name
Returns error value
Return type bool
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
- HyWorksApi.connectDeviceToBus3ph('R1', 'net_1', 'myBus')
- HyWorksApi.connectDeviceToBus3ph('SubCC1/SubSubCC1/R3', 'net_1', 'myBus')
Connect a pin to a bundle’s signal
- blocA (str): name of the first device
- pinA (str): pin name
- blocB (str): name of the second device
Returns error value
Return type int
Add device to HYPERSIM model
- name (str): subcircuit definition name
- type(str): subcircuit type name. This name will show when redrawing the device
- blocName (str): device name
- coordX (int): X coordinate
- coordY (int): Y coordinate
- page (int): page number
Returns unique device name
Return type str
- HyWorksApi.createSubCircuit('Subcircuit1', 700, 700, 1)
- HyWorksApi.createSubCircuit('Subcircuit1', 'THD', 700, 700, 1)
- HyWorksApi.createSubCircuit('DEV1/Subsubcircuit1')
Disconnects the signal from a pin
- deviceName(str): device name
- pinName(str): pinName
- removeAllConnections(bool) : if True, also disconnects the pins of the connected devices, effectively removing completely the line connection of the design
Returns error value
Return type bool
- HyWorksApi.disconnectPin('Cons1', 'y')
- HyWorksApi.disconnectPin('RC1', 'net_1', True)
This call requires an analyze call before to function properly
Print component information to STDOUT, including tunable parameter values, default values, parameter types and connectors By default shows all model components, but a specific component can be given as an argument
Parameters componentName (str): component name
Returns error value
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
Flips a device horizontally
- deviceName (str): device name
- keepConnections(bool true if pin connections should be kept
Returns error value
Return type bool
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
- HyWorksApi.flipHorizontallyDevice('R1')
Flips a device vertically
- deviceName (str): device name
- keepConnections(bool): true if pin connections should be kept
Returns error value
Return type bool
- HyWorksApi.flipVerticallyDevice('R1')
This call requires an analyze call before to function properly
Gets the list of all devices names
Returns the list of all visible devices
Return type list
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
Retrieve a device or its pin X-Y coordinates
- deviceName(str): device name
- pinName (str): pin name, can be non if only the position of the device is required
Returns a list of 2 int, representing the (X, Y) coordinates
Return type list
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
- HyWorksApi.getCoordinates('R1')
- HyWorksApi.getCoordinates('MTL', 'baseVolt)
This call requires an analyze call before to function properly
Retrieve component parameter value
- compName (str): component name
- compParam (str): component parameter
Returns a list of 2 str, the first one being the value and the second one being the unit
Return type list
Retrieve the list of all children pin names in a bundle pin of a device
- deviceName (str): device name
- pinName (str): bundle pin name
Returns the list of the sub-pin names
Return type list of strings
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
- HyWorksApi.getDeviceBundleChildPins('AC1A_1', 'In')
Retrieve the list of all pin names of type bundle on a device
- deviceName (str): device name
Returns error value
Return type list of strings
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
- HyWorksApi.getDeviceBundlePins('AC1A_1')
Import UCM to current HYPERSIM model
Parameters defFilePath (str): path to UCM (. . . py: function: : )
Returns error value
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
Include or exclude a device in HYPERSIM model
Returns error value
Return type bool
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
Remove device from model
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
Rename a device inside the model
- oldDeviceName (str): old device name
- newDeviceName (str): new device name
Returns error value
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
- HyWorksApi.renameDevice('DEV1', 'SubCircuit1')
- HyWorksApi.renameDevice('SubCircuit1/Gain1', 'SubCircuit1/factor')
- oldName (str): old signal name
- newName (str): new signal name
- visible (bool) : if name should be visible on the design
Returns error value
Return type bool
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
Rotates a device to the left
- deviceName (str): device name
- keepConnections(bool): true if pin connections should be kept
Returns error value
Return type bool
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
- HyWorksApi.rotateLeftDevice('R1')
Rotates a device to the right
- deviceName (str device name
- keepConnections(bool): true if pin connections should be kept
Returns error value
Return type bool
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
- HyWorksApi.rotateRightDevice('R1')
This call requires an analyze call before to function properly
Set a component parameter to a certain value
- compName (str): component name
- compParam (str): component parameter
Returns error value
Return type int
Note : Please refer to Variables and Expressions to see how to set certain expressions via API.
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
Set the fill color of the 2D shapes on a device symbol
- name(str): device name
- (str RGB color in hex values
Returns error value
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
- HyWorksApi.setDeviceFillColor('Tr2', 'ff0000')
Set the color of the line segments on a device symbol
- name(str) device name
- colorHexRGB(str): RGB color in hex values
Returns error value
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
- HyWorksApi.setDeviceLineColor('Tr2', 'ff0000')
Set the line color of a signal
- name(str device name
- colorHexRGB(str): RGB color in hex values
Returns error value
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
- HyWorksApi.setSignalLineColor('WED7', 'ff0000')
Set the line width of a signal
- name(str) device name
- width(int): width
Returns error value
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
- HyWorksApi.setSignalLineWidth('WED7', 4)
Hide/Show devices name in the model.
- deviceList(list[str]): list of devices name
- isVisible(str) visibility
Returns error value
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
- HyWorksApi.setDevicesNameVisibility(['F18/CB4', 'F19/CB4', 'Dec1', 'Dec2', 'F1'], False)
Forces a power flexible pin to take a specific amount of phase.
Normally, power flexible pins will use the same amount of phases for each power pin of the device. This call allows to disconnect this behaviour.
- deviceName(str): device name
- pinName(str): pin name
- value(int 1 or 3
Returns error value
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
Update UCM
Parameters deviceName (str): UCM name
Returns error value
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
Edit device sensor
- blocName (str device name
- sensorName (str): sensor name
- IOType (str): IO Type. ex: AD, DA, DI or DO
- IONumber (int): IO number
- base (float): base value
- unit (str): unit value
Returns error value
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
- HyWorksApi.editSensor('R1', 'Ia', 1.0, 'pu', 'DA', 1001)
- HyWorksApi.editSensor('R1', 'Ia', base = 1.0, unit = 'pu')
- HyWorksApi.editSensor('R1', 'Ia', IOType = 'DA', IONumber = 1001)
- blocName (str device name
- sensorName (str): sensor name
- blocName (str): key in sensor info. Supported keys :
- 'selected'
- 'userName'
- 'userUnit'
- 'iotype'
- 'ionum'
- 'iofactor'
- 'base'
- 'dataLoggerRecord'
- 'dataLoggerGroup'
- 'dataLoggerTrigger'
- 'exchangerTag'
- 'dataPointName'
- 'dataPointIndex'
Return type str
Parameters filePath (str): path to sensor file (.sig, .csv)
Returns error value
Return type bool
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
Select all sensors for device
Parameters blocName (str): device name
Returns error value
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
Set sensor parameter through datapoints
- blocName (str): device name
- sensorName (str): sensor name
- exchangerTag (bool): record signal
- groupName(str signal group name
- trigger(bool): set signal as trigger for the group
Returns error value
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
- HyWorksApi.setSensorDataLogger('sine1', 'y', True, 'SIGNAL_GROUP_1', False)
- HyWorksApi.setSensorDataLogger('sine2', 'y', True, 'SIGNAL_GROUP_2', True)
- HyWorksApi.setSensorDataLogger('sine3', 'y', False, 'SIGNAL_GROUP_3', False)
Set sensor parameter through datapoints
- blocName (str): device name
- sensorName (str): sensor name
- exchangerTag (str): exchanger tag
- dataPointName (str): data point name
- dataPointIdx(str): data point index
Returns error value
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
- HyWorksApi.setSensorDataPoint('Const_Amplitude', 'y, 'Signal Generator', 'Sine Waves/Sine Wave 1/Amplitude', '0')
- HyWorksApi.setSensorDataPoint('Const_Frequency', 'y, 'Signal Generator', 'Sine Waves/Sine Wave 1/Frequency', '0')
- HyWorksApi.setSensorDataPoint('Gain', 'u, 'Signal Generator', 'Sine Waves/Sine Wave 1/Output', '0')
Select all sensors for device
Parameters blocName (str): device name
Returns error value
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
Select device sensor
- blocName (str): device name
- sensorName (str): sensor name
- selected (bool): selected
Returns error value
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
Returns error value
Return type int
Build topology
Returns error value
Return type int
Clear code directory
Return type int
Generate code
Returns error value
Return type int
Retrieve a model preference
Parameters prefName (str): preference name
Returns error value
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
Map tasks
Returns error value
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
Set a model preference to a specific value
- prefName (str): preference name
Returns error value
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
Set simulation target
Returns error value
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
Load flow
Returns error value
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
Get the current value of all monitors during simulation
Returns dictionary where the key is the monitor name, and the value is the current value
Return dict[str, str]
Get the current value of a monitor during simulation
- monitorName (str): Name of the monitor
Returns value
Return type str
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
- HyWorksApi.getMonitoringValue('MyMonitor1')
Get the last values of the list of sensors during simulation
- sensorNames (list[str]): Names of the sensors
Returns values in the same order as the sensor names
Return type list[float]
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
- HyWorksApi.getLastSensorValues(['Const1.y', 'Subcircuit1/Gain1.u", '/Subcircuit1/R15.Ia"])
Get the current simulation time, in the unit of the Point-On-Wave
Returns value
Return type float
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
Loads a snapshot in the simulation
Returns error value
Return type int
Reset performance indicators and timings for simulation
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
Reset performance indicators for simulation
Parameters cpuList (list[int]): list of cpu cores to reset. ex: [1, 2, 3, 4] Returns error value
Return type int
Reset performance timing for simulation
Parameters cpuList (list[int]): list of cpu cores to reset. ex: [1, 2, 3, 4] Returns error value
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
Trig the programmable devices in the simulation
Parameters sync (bool): synchronize with POW
Returns error value
Return type bool
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
Start monitoring
Returns error value
Return type int
Start simulation
Returns error value
Return type int
Stop monitoring
Returns error value
Return type int
Returns error value
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
Takes a snapshot of the simulation
Returns error value
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
Add target to HYPERSIM target manager
Returns error value
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
Prints a diagnostic report of the target configuration. More information on Target Manager
Returns diagnostic report on the target
Return type str
Get all known targets by HYPERSIM target manager : return: list of all known targets : rtype: str
Get current HYPERSIM version on target
Return type str
Get all HYPERSIM versions installed on target
Parameters targetHostName (str): target IP
Returns list of all HYPERSIM versions
Return type str
Install HYPERSIM version on target
- (str): target IPrpmPath (str path to target rpm file
Returns error value
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
Install HYPERSIM version on target
Returns error value
Return type int
Determine if target is ready for simulation
Parameters targetHostName (str): target IP
Returns ready status
Return type bool
Remove target from HYPERSIM target manager
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
Switch HYPERSIM versions on target
- targetHostName (str): target IP
- switchToVersion (str): HYPERSIM version to switch to
Returns error value
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
ScopeView Commands
The following commands are used to interact with ScopeView and are accessible through HyJavaApi.”command”.
ScopeViewApi can also be accessed without HyWorksApi, ScopeViewApi python module is located in C: \OPAL-RT\HYPERSIM\hypersim-version\Windows\ScopeView\lib
To use ScopeViewApi without HyWorksApi, add the path above to System PythonPath and use the following command:
Close ScopeView
Returns error value
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
Connect to the first instance of ScopeView
Returns error value
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
Disable ScopeViewApi from returning ScopeView exceptions through Python
Enable ScopeViewApi to return ScopeView exceptions through Python
Initializes ScopeView VM with necessary arguments
Open ScopeView note: ScopeView location is relative to HYPERSIM_DIR variable
Returns process ID
Return type int
Export ScopeView graphs to PDF at provided file location
Parameters filePath (str): path to export PDF
Returns error value
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
Export ScopeView data source to desired format at provided file location
Parameters filePath (str): path to export file
Returns error value
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
Evaluate all ScopeView expressions from template
Returns error value
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
Get ScopeView cont state
Returns cont state
Return type str
Gets all ScopeView expressions from template
Get number of ScopeView acquisitions
Returns number of acquisitions
Return type str
Get number of ScopeView data
Returns number of data
Return type str
Get ScopeView acquisition sample rate
Returns sample rate
Return type str
Get ScopeView acquisition start time
Returns start time
Return type str
Get ScopeView acquisition duration
Returns time length
Return type str
Start ScopeView acquisition
Stop ScopeView acquisition
Pause ScopeView acquisition
Set ScopeView cont option
Parameters state (bool): cont state
Returns error value
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
Set number of ScopeView acquisitions
Parameters nbAcq (int): number of acquisition
Returns error value
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
Set ScopeView acquisition sample rate
Parameters rate (float): acquisition sample rate (seconds)
Returns error value
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
Set ScopeView acquisition start time
Parameters time (float): time to start acquisition (seconds)
Returns error value
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
Set ScopeView acquisition duration
Parameters time (float): acquisition duration (seconds)
Returns error value
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
Set ScopeView sync option
Parameters state (bool): sync state
Returns error value
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
Set ScopeView trig option
Returns error value
Return type int
Load data source from provided source
Parameters strURI (str): data source location
Load ScopeView data source
Parameters filePath (str): path to data source location
Reload all ScopeView data sources
Returns error value
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
Remove all ScopeView data sources
Returns error value
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
Replace ScopeView data source with provided source
- oldDataSourceLabel (str): ScopeView data source label
- newDataSourceLocation (str): data source location
Returns error value
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
Set an acquisition parameter for a custom data source which uses additional parameters
- dataSourceLabel (str): The data source label. It should contain the brackets
- parameter(str): The string parameter ID. The parameters are defined in the description of the relevant data sources.
- value(str): value
Returns error value
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
- HyWorksApi.ScopeView.setDataSourceParameter('[REC1]', 'timeLength', '0.4')
- HyWorksApi.ScopeView.setDataSourceParameter('[OPA1]', 'triggerFunction', 'Level')
Execute ScopeView template
Parameters filePath (str): path to template location
Returns error value
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
Import template to ScopeView
- filePath (str): path to template location
- appendNewPage (bool): append template to new page
Returns error value
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
Load template to ScopeView
Parameters filePath (str): path to template location
Returns error value
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
Create new ScopeView template
Returns error value
Return type int
Raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
Removes all pages from ScopeView template
Save ScopeView template
Returns error value
Return type int