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This tutorial describes how to configure This guide provides an in-depth overview of the SCIM Constant Local Control example included in the OPAL-RT Power Electronics Add-On to simulate a grid-tied SCIM drive and machine with a closed-loop controller.   We for NI VeriStand.  We will discuss deploying, running, and monitoring the simulation in real-time. 

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1. Three Phase Rectifier (Archived)
1. Three Phase Rectifier (Archived)

The eHS circuit model used in this example was created using the  Simscape  Simscape Electrical Specialized Power Systems Simulink Blockset. It represents a grid-tied, three-phase diode rectifier for charging the DC Link, as well as a two-Level, three-phase universal bridge.  The bridge is electrically connected to the SCIM model through the project configuration. We generate three sine waves using the built-in FPGA signal generators to simulate the Va_in, Vb_in, and Vc_in AC  AC sources in the electrical circuit. The universal bridge gates in the Inverter block are controlled using signals from the on-board SPWM generators. The SCIM calculated currents are fed back to the universal bridge through the current sources Ia_pmsm and Ib_pmsm.  Nominal operating speeds of the example SCIM are between 1500 and 4000 RPM. 

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The tutorial has been split into the following sections:
