Group | Model Configuration, Acquisition |
Description | Enable or disable the option to insert values when the acquisition group’s decimation factor is greater than 1. The decimation factor lets you skip acquisition during some calculation steps. When this parameter is set to a number n, a sample will be acquired at every n-th calculation step. However, the RT-LAB API will repeat the values every n-th step. It is useful when the values are displayed in chart graphs. For instance, if the decimation factor is set to 3, values returned by the acquisition functions will be: value1[0], value1[0], value1[0], value1[1], value1[1], value1[1], value1[2]... Application using XY graphs should disable this option. |
Required Control | None |
Usage | RtlabApi.SetFillDecimation(bEnabled) |
Input | None |
Output |
Exception |
Examples | None |
Related Items | None |
Modules | import RtlabApi |
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