Group | Model selection |
Description |
Return an opaque handle associated with a new connection, which becomes the current connection. The new connection is uninitialized, and its state is the same as for a new process or thread. This handle can be passed back to a subsequent SetConnHandle. This call is only required when a thread must handle multiple connections. There is no need to call this function when a thread handles only one connection. There is no harm in doing so, as long as it is the first call made to RT-LAB API done by that thread. Changing this connection (e.g. by calling Connect or |
OpenProject) does not change the other connections, whereas one of those calls without first calling NewConnHandle implicitly disconnects a previously existing connection. | |
Required Control | System control |
Usage | handle = RtlabApi.NewConnHandle() |
Input | None |
Output |
Exception |
Examples | See multi_models |
Related Items | GetConnHandle, SetConnHandle, DeleteConnHandle. |
Modules | import RtlabApi |