New | Creates new resources by opening the corresponding wizard. Note that before you can create a new file, you must create a project in which to store the file. | ||||||
Copy (Ctrl+C) | Places a copy of the selection on the clipboard. | ||||||
Paste (Ctrl+V) | Places the text or object on the clipboard at the current cursor location in the currently active view or editor. | ||||||
Delete (DEL) | Removes the current selection. | ||||||
Rename (F2) | Changes the name of the currently selected resource. | ||||||
Import | Launches the Import wizard, to add resources to the Workbench. | ||||||
Export | Launches the Export wizard, to export resources from the Workbench. | ||||||
Refresh (F5) | Refreshes the resource with the contents in the file system. | ||||||
Properties | Opens the Properties dialog for the currently selected resource. | ||||||
File | Menu entries for file resources | ||||||
Open | Opens the file in its associated editor. | ||||||
Open With | Opens the file with the specified editor. | ||||||
Close | Closes the active editor. You are prompted to save changes before the file closes. | ||||||
Project | Menu entries for project resources | ||||||
Close Project | Closes this project. See Organizing resources. | ||||||
Close Unrelated Projects | Closes all other projects not related to this project. | ||||||
RT-LAB Project | Menu entries for RT-LAB project resources | ||||||
Add | Opens the Add Model wizard to add an existing model to this RT-LAB project. | ||||||
Clean Project info | Available when the project is in Active & not responding state (see Model and project states). Clears execution information about models that are unreachable (for example, when a target has been shut down). This allows the project to be opened again. | ||||||
Simulation | Provides access to simulation commands such as Load, Execute, Reset... See Simulation menu. These commands are applied to the entire Project, it means to all the Model objects that are part of this RT-LAB project. | ||||||
Properties | Opens the Properties View to display information about this RT-LAB project. | ||||||
Active Project | Menu entries for Active Project resources | ||||||
Add to workspace | Imports this Active Project to the workspace. This will enable interaction with this project. See Active Projects | ||||||
Clean Project info | Available when the project is in Active & not responding state (see Model and project states). Clears execution information about models that are unreachable (for example, when a target has been shut down). This allows the project to be opened again. | ||||||
Model Folder | Menu entries for Model Folder resources | ||||||
New | Opens the New RT-LAB model wizard to create a new Model. | ||||||
Add | Opens the Add Model wizard to add an existing model. | ||||||
Simulation | Provides access to simulation commands such as Load, Execute, Reset... See Simulation menu. These commands will be applied to all children Models. | ||||||
Model | Menu entries for Model objects | ||||||
New | Opens the New RT-LAB model wizard to create a new Model. | ||||||
Add | Opens the Add Model wizard to add an existing model to the parent project. | ||||||
Open | Open the editor associated with this Model | ||||||
Edit | Edit this Model with MATLAB/Simulink. | ||||||
Edit With... | Edit this Model with the specified version of MATLAB/Simulink. Note that the selected version will become the default MATLAB version for the entire workbench. See MATLAB preference page to edit this setting. | ||||||
Simulation | Provides access to simulation commands such as Load, Execute, Reset... | ||||||
Properties | Opens the Properties View to display information about this Model. | ||||||
Model file | In addition to file-related menu entries, here are the menu entries for Model file | ||||||
Add to Project (only in RT-LAB projects) | Add this model file to its parent RT-LAB project. This creates an associated Model object. If this model file has already been added to this RT-LAB project, the menu is grayed and disabled. Note that this action is directly executed, without opening the Add Model wizard. This action may also be done using Drag and Drop. | ||||||
Subsystem | Menu entries for Real-Time Subsystems | ||||||
Simulation | Provides access to simulation commands such as Load, Execute, Reset... See Simulation menu. These commands will apply to the parent Model. | ||||||
Properties | Opens the Properties View to display information about this Subsystem. | ||||||
Console | Menu entries for Console Subsystems | ||||||
Edit (Simulink models only) | Opens this Console for edition in MATLAB/Simulink. | ||||||
Target Folder | Menu entries for Target Folder | ||||||
New | New Target: Opens the New Target wizard. | ||||||
Discover Targets | Performs a target detection over the network and opens the Detected Targets Wizard. | ||||||
Target | Menu entries for Target (Note that some entries may not be available depending on the current platform of the selected Target) | ||||||
New Target | Opens the New Target wizard. | ||||||
Install RT-LAB | Automatically installs (or re-installs) the current version of RT-LAB on this Target. | ||||||
Patch... | Opens a dialog to select a Patch file to be sent and installed on this Target. | ||||||
License Request | Opens the License Request Wizard. | ||||||
Install | Selects a license file to activate this Target. | ||||||
Execute Shutdown | Shutdown this Target. A confirmation dialog is displayed first. | ||||||
Reboot | Reboot this Target. A dialog is displayed first to select the Operating System to be started. | ||||||
Remove Embedded Mode | If an Embedding Simulation is running, this prevents it from starting at the next Target power up. | ||||||
Python script | Opens a dialog to select a Python script. This script may be located in the workspace, on the local file system or on the Target. The selected script is then executed on the Target and output is displayed in the Target Console: | ||||||
Flash bitstream | Opens the Flash bitstream wizard dialog. | ||||||
Command... | Opens a simple dialog to enter a command. This command is then executed on this Target and results are displayed in the Target Console. | ||||||
Clean shared memory | Cleans the shared memory on this Target. | ||||||
Clean core dumps | Cleans the core dumps on this Target. | ||||||
Tools | |||||||
| Displays information about Target’s I/O cards in the Target Console. | ||||||
Diagnostic | Displays a detailed diagnostic in the Target Console. | ||||||
Telnet: | Opens the Terminal View to open a Telnet connection to this Target. | ||||||
Set As Development Node | The selected Target will become the development node for its current platform. By default, the compilation of any Model running on this platform will be done on this Target. This setting may also be changed in the RT-LAB preference page. | ||||||
Properties | Opens the Properties View to display information about this Target. | ||||||
Embedded Simulation (any item) | |||||||
Connect | Opens the Connect to Embedded Simulation Wizard to reconnect a project to this Embedding Simulation. | ||||||
Drag and Drop | Using Drag and Drop functionality is a fast and easy way to accomplish some usual actions. |