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Processes Managed by the Power Electronics Add-On Engine

At runtime, both the Power Electronics Add-On Engine and the VeriStand Engine execute their own sets of processes on the Real Time CPU of the deployment target. The processes managed by the Power Electronics Add-On Engine are described in the figure and table below. For more information related to the processes managed by the VeriStand Engine, refer to the VeriStand Engine Help documentation on the National Instruments website.


General Processor Assignment Settings

Processor Assignment Mode

Select one of the following modes: 

  • Automatic - Processors assignments are configured automatically, and all other dialog controls are disabled. This is the default state.

  • Manual - Processor assignments can be configured manually by the usersuser. This model mode enables all dialog controls.

FPGA Communication Process 1


The index of the CPU processor on which FPGA Communication Process 1 executes. 

Loop Rate (us)

The loop rate of FPGA Communication Process 1, in microseconds.

FPGA Communication Process 2


The index of the CPU processor on which FPGA Communication Process 2 executes.

Loop Rate (us)

The loop rate of FPGA Communication Process 2, in microseconds.

Low Latency FPGA Communication Process

This table displays the available FPGA targets supporting Low Latency Communication. The following parameters are configurable for each FPGA target.

Processor 1

The index of the CPU processor on which the Low Latency FPGA Communication Process of the specified FPGA target executes.

For hardware configurations with two or more FPGAs, it is recommended to dedicate one CPU core per Low Latency FPGA Communication Process, and to avoid sharing it with any other process from this or another custom device.

Loop Rate (us)

The loop rate of Low Latency FPGA Communication Process of the specified FPGA target, in microseconds.

CPU Pool Assignment

Use this section to assign individual CPU cores to pools available for automatic load balancing. For additional information, refer to Specifying the Set of CPUs Available for Automatic Load Balancing in the NI LabVIEW Real-Time Module Help documentation.

CPU Pool Assignment

For each CPU available on the Real Time controller, select from one of the following states:

  • System - the CPU can be used to execute threads that do not correspond to Timed Structures

  • Timed Structures - the CPU can be used to execute Timed Structures configured for automatic processor assignment

  • System & Timed Structures - the CPU can be used to execute either of the above

  • Reserved - the CPU is dedicated solely to executing Timed Structures manually assigned to that CPU

This table is enabled only when the Manual CPU Pool Configuration checkbox is enabled. By default, the Power Electronics Add-On will assign all CPUs to the System & Timed Structures pools, except CPUs on which the Low Latency FPGA Communication Process executes.  These CPUs are assigned to the Reserved pool.

Please refer to the appropriate NI specification documentation to determine the number of available CPUs on your Real Time controller.

Manual CPU Pool Configuration

Enables the CPU Pool Assignment table. Disabling the checkbox will reset the CPU Pool Assignment table to default values. 
