The integration of RT-LAB with the Xilinx System Generator toolbox is provided by the OPAL-RT RT-XSG product. Compatibility of RT-XSG with MATLAB and Xilinx System Generator versions can be found in RT-XSG Installation Guideuser manual at this pageSoftware Requirements and Compatibility Charts.
RT-LAB is compatible with all versions of RT-XSG between RT-XSG 2.0 and RT-XSG 3.3.x. Note that RT-XSG 3.3.4+ is only compatible with RT-LAB 2023.1+. RT-XSG users should refer to the OPAL-RT RT-XSG Toolbox User Guide in order to validate compatibility between the FPGA boards in OPAL-RT chassis, Xilinx ISE Design Suite (including System Generator for DSP), and MATLAB.