- The Hyperline function Line Generator tool computes the resistance, inductance, and capacitance matrices of an arbitrary arrangement of conductors of an overhead transmission line.
- Hypersim calls a module to calculate the R, L and C matrices of the lines. Then, the functions of the CLAPACK (user’s guide, third edition, SIAM, 1999, library), are used to transform the R, L and C phase parameters into mode parameters, sequence parameters and Ti transformation matrix used by Hypersim.
- For a set of N conductors, Hyperline it computes three N-by-N matrices: the series resistance and inductance matrices [R] and [L] and the shunt capacitance matrix [C]. Hyperline It also computes the Ti matrix, sequence and mode parameters.
- For two coupled conductors i and k, the self and mutual terms of the R, L, and C matrices are computed using the concept of Figure 1–3 image conductors:
The conductor resistance matrix at a particular frequency depends on the DC resistance of the conductor corrected for skin effect and ground resistivity. In fact, both the resistance matrix and the inductance matrix are dependent on the ground resistivity and frequency. Correction terms for the R and L terms as developed by J.R. Carson in 1926 [2] are implemented in HyperLine.
the Line Generator.