Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Background Color

These pages cover a range of topics related to Basic Schematic Editing. The topics are listed in a table of contents at the top of each page.


Even though the above options are available in HYPERSIM, connecting bundle signals by name is not recommended and can be avoided in most cases by simply reusing the bundle at the desired location. This is demonstrated below by simply naming the bundles and redrawing for each connection to any one of its pins. Naming a new bundle with the same name as an existing bundle automatically inherits the existing bundle pin list.

Getting Bundle Information: Bus (Bundle) Info

A list of internal signals can be seen by selecting a bundle and using the Ctrl+I command, or by right-clicking on the bundle and selecting the Bundle Info command. This action will display the following box:


Signals in BundleThis is a list of the signals contained in the bundle. This list is determined by the breakouts and bundle pins attached to the bundle. You cannot directly change this list. Doubling-clicking any item in this list is equivalent to clicking once and then clicking the Signal Info button.
Signal InfoThis button displays the signal info box for the signal selected in the list. This allows access to signals that may not be visible on the schematic.

Getting Information on Signals Inside a Bundle

Information on signals that are contained in a bundle can be accessed in several ways:


If L2 is made part of a subcircuit, then the signal BUND can be sent into the subcircuit by naming the subcircuit bundle BUND:

Changing Bundle Pin Connections: Bundle Pin Info

When a bundle is connected to a bundle pin on a device or hierarchical block, the bundle internal pins will by default connect to signals with the same name in the bundle.


  • If a text or picture is marked as a border item, then it is considered to be part of the sheet border information for the page it is on. This has the following effects:
    • if a new page is added to the circuit using the Pages command, this item will automatically be copied to the same position on the new page.
    • if the page containing this item is used as the source for a Drawing>Import Sheet Info operation, this item will be copied to the destination.
    • if a Center in Page command (design right-click) is used, this object will not be repositioned since it is assumed to be part of the border.

Background Objects

Text or picture items marked as background objects cannot be selected, modified or deleted using normal circuit editing techniques. This is used to prevent custom sheet backgrounds or border graphics from interfering with circuit editing operations. This is normally used in combination with the border status discussed above.


$DATENOWReplaced by system date written mm/dd/yy. This is the current date as maintained by the system clock
$TIMENOWReplaced by system time written hh:mm. This is the current time as maintained by the system clock
$DATECREATEDReplaced by date the file was created, as maintained by the file system.
$TIMECREATEDReplaced by time the file was created, as maintained by the file system.
$DATEMODIFIEDReplaced by date the file was last modified, as maintained by the file system.
$TIMEMODIFIEDReplaced by time the file was last modified, as maintained by the file system.
$PAGENUMReplaced by number of the page (within the current circuit level) the text is on.
$NUMPAGESReplaced by total number of pages in the circuit level.
$PAGETITLEReplaced by title of the page the text is on, as entered using the Pages command.
$PRINTPAGENUMReplaced by page number in the printed sequence within the current Print command. This is used to number pages within a hierarchical design. NOTE: This is only valid for printed output. When it is drawn on the screen, it will show the same value as $PAGENUM.
$PRINTNUMPAGESReplaced by number of pages that will be printed by the current Print command. This is used to number pages within a hierarchical design. NOTE: This is only valid for printed output. When it is drawn on the screen, it will show the same value as $NUMPAGES.
$FILENAMEReplaced by name of the design file, not including its directory path.
$FILEPATHReplaced by name of the design file, including its directory path. If the file hasn’t been saved, this will be empty.
$CIRCUITNAMEReplaced by name of the circuit being printed. In the topmost circuit of a hierarchical design (or in any flat design), this is the same as $FILENAME. In a subcircuit, this will be the hierarchical name of the circuit.
The format used to display date and time values is determined by the Regional Settings control panel in Windows.

Attribute Variables

Attribute variables start with a & mark and are used to refer to fields stored in the attributes for the design. These can be used to place information at multiple points on a diagram which will be updated automatically when the design attributes are changed. For example, if the design attribute field Revision was defined for the design with the following contents:


Make BackgroundTurning this switch on makes the selected text block a background item, i.e. it cannot be affected by normal editing operations. In order to select it for editing, hold the Ctrl and Shift keys pressed while clicking on it.
Make Border ItemTurning this switch on marks this item as a border object. This means that it is treated as part of the sheet border. That is, it is updated by the Import Sheet Info command, copied to new pages as they are created, and unaffected by the Center in Page command. See Creating Custom Sheet Border Graphics for more information.
Selecting a Picture or Text ObjectA single, non-background picture or text item is selected by clicking the mouse button with the pointer positioned anywhere inside the item.
Selecting a Background ObjectTo select a picture or text item marked as background you must hold the Ctrl and Shift keys pressed while clicking on it.

Creating a Picture

Pictures cannot be created from scratch right on the schematic diagram. They can be created either in another application or using the device symbol editor tool.
