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Digital Inputs Configuration Page

This page is populated with a list of the Digital Input channels available for the selected Hardware Configuration

The following configuration options are available at edit-time:

Digital Input Settings
Enable PWM Measurement ChannelsEnables the PWM Measurement feature for every Digital Input channel.  When this option is enabled, an Advanced subsection is created under the Digital Inputs section and populated with DIXX Duty Cycle and DIXX Frequency channels as described in the table below.

Digital Inputs Section Channels

This section includes the following custom device channels:

Channel NameTypeUnitsDefault ValueDescription

DIXX Duty Cycle


Duty Cycle of the digital signal acquired on channel DI<XX>.  Accuracy information can be found under PWM Measurement Accuracy.

When Enable PWM Measurement Channels is enabled, the Digital Inputs >> Advanced >> Duty Cycle section is populated with one DIXX Frequency channel for each Digital Input channel.

DIXX FrequencyOutputHertz0Hz

Frequency of the digital signal acquired on channel DI<XX>. Accuracy information can be found under PWM Measurement Accuracy.

When Enable PWM Measurement Channels is enabled, the Digital Inputs >> Advanced >> Frequency section is populated with one DIXX Frequency channel for each Digital Input channel.


Digital data read by the FPGA on channel DI<XX>. 

The Digital Inputs section is populated with one DIXX channel for each Digital Input channel available in the selected Hardware Configuration.

Digital Input data can be mapped to other simulation components by navigating to their respective configuration pages listed below. Mapping options may vary between Hardware Configurations.

PWM Measurement Accuracy

The accuracy of the PWM Measurement feature is dependent upon the frequency and duty cycle of the measured signal.  The tables below provide benchmark information describing the maximum expected measurement error across a range of PWM frequencies.

Table 1: Error in Frequency Measurement

These data points have been validated for Duty Cycles between 0.1 and 0.9.

Frequency RangePercent Error in Frequency Measurement
1Hz - 10Hz< 0.5%
10Hz - 100Hz< 0.05%
100Hz - 1kHz< 0.01%
1kHz - 10kHz< 0.05%
10kHz - 100kHz< 0.1%
100kHz - 500kHz< 2%

Table 2: Error in Duty Cycle Measurement

Duty cycle error has been measured at three Duty Cycles: 0.1, 0.5, and 0.9.

Frequency Range

Percent Error in Duty Cycle Measurement

Duty Cycle: 0.1

Percent Error in Duty Cycle Measurement

Duty Cycle: 0.5

Percent Error in Duty Cycle Measurement

Duty Cycle: 0.9

1Hz - 10Hz< 0.0005%NegligibleNegligible
10Hz - 100Hz< 0.005%< 0.001%< 0.001%
100Hz - 1kHz< 0.05%< 0.01%< 0.01%
1kHz - 10kHz< 0.1%< 0.05%< 0.05%
10kHz - 100kHz< 1%< 0.1%< 0.1%
100kHz - 500kHz< 10%< 2%< 1%

Table 3: Minimum Detected Frequency

If a signal with a frequency below the Minimum Detected Frequency is applied, the corresponding VeriStand Channels will output NaN (Not a Number) after the Settling Time has elapsed.

Hardware Configuration

Minimum Detected Frequency

Settling Time

eHSx32_Dual_PMSM_SH_IO_7868R0.5 Hz2 s
eHSx32_Dual_PMSM_VDQ_IO_32DO_7868R0.5 Hz2 s
eHSx64_Dual_PMSM_VDQ_IO_7868R0.25 Hz4 s
eHSx64_Quad_IM_SM_IO_7868R0.25 Hz4 s
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