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RTE-Drive Measurements



The RTE-Drive Quadrature Decoder block outputs the relative angular position of a quadrature incremental encoder using its signals A and B. This block also outputs the direction of rotation of the rotating object.

The optional Z input signals is an indication that the rotating object has passed through a reference point. This signal is used to reset the relative angular position to zero degrees. This signal is not yet available.

Behaviour of the RTE-Drive Quadrature Decoder Block


RTE-Drive Quadrature Decoder Mask


Number of pulses by revolution

The number of pulses generated by the encoder during a complete revolution.

Angle units

The relative angular position units: degrees or radians.

Use channel Z

Use channel Z as reference. When channel Z is not used, the initial zero angle position is set as reference.


Channel A (RTE Boolean)

Channel A of the incremental encoder.

Channel B (RTE Boolean)

Channel B of the incremental encoder.

Channel Z (RTE Boolean)

Optional channel Z of the incremental encoder.


Position (Double)

The relative angular position of the rotating object in radians or degrees.

Direction (Double)

The direction of rotation of the rotating object [-1, 0, 1].


Direct Feedthrough


Sample Time

Inherited and fixed discrete.

Work Offline




Related Items

The rte_encoder.mdl model demonstrates how to use RT-EVENTS blocks to simulate an incremental encoder connected to a rotating object. This example also shows how to use blocks of the library to insert fault, to filter noise and to measure some characteristics of RTE Boolean signal. In this example, the RTE Quadrature decoder block is used to measure the angular position and direction of the rotating object.

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