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When the network is balanced, ePHASORSIM is able to import data and convert it to the positive sequence equivalent system. This could be done by unchecking Unbalanced checkbox in Network data tab of the solver mask. In this case, both built-in and user defined model libraries can be used by either checking or unchecking Use built-in models checkbox. To link an FMU model to a CYME component, please refer to GenUnit FMU .

Note: When importing a balanced system in CYME as a positive sequence equivalent, default values of 100 MVA and 50 Hz are used for network’s base power and nominal frequency, respectively.

Note: All the supported components that exist in SXST file will be imported and considered to be in-service. That means for a component that is out-of-service in CYME, the Solver imports its data and treats it as in-service. Thus, it is recommended to remove the data from the input file for the components that are required to be out-of-service during simulation.

Finally, when the Unbalanced is not checked, the Power-flow report text box is disabled. In this case, ePHASORSIM's power-flow routine will initialize the network. To run power-flow before dynamic simulation, check the Start from Power-flow in Simulation settings tab under dynamic simulation.

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