The “Line Data Report” window display a report of the transmission line models.
Functions with right mouse button in line data window:
Print the Geometrical / Electrical parameters | Print the Geometrical and Electrical parameters in the Line Data Report. |
Save the Line Data Report in a file | Save the Line Data Report in a text file. |
Clear the Line Data Report | Clear the current data in the Line Data Report. |
The “Hypersim Line” window also allows you to download parameters into Hypersim Line models.
Apply the parameters to the Hypersim Line models that you have selected.
Example of a 735-kV three-phase line transposed.
Check the figure 7.1 for the geometrical parameters of the line and 7.3 for the layout of conductor.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hyperline Report Thu Oct 26 10:42:41 EDT 2006 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMENTS: Example of a 735-kV three-phase line Three bundles of 4 Bersfort ACSR 1355 MCM conductors Two 1/2 inch-diameter steel ground wires Ytower and Ymin are the average heights of conductors LINE GEOMETRY: Frequency (Hz): 60.0 Ground resistivity (m): 100.0 Number of phase conductors (bundles): 3 Number of ground wires (bundles): 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Conductor Phase X Y Tower Y Min Conductor (bundle) Number (meters) (meters) (meters) Type ------------------------------------------------------------------------ p1 1 -12.80160 20.72640 20.72640 1 p2 2 0.00000 20.72640 20.72640 1 p3 3 12.80160 20.72640 20.72640 1 g1 0 -8.99160 32.91840 32.91840 2 g2 0 8.99160 32.91840 32.91840 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONDUCTOR AND BUNDLE CHARACTERISTICS: Number of conductor types or bundle types: 2 Transposition Options: Continuously transposed Conductor internal inductance evaluated from: T/D Ratio Include conductor skin effect: true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Conductor Outside DC Relative Conductors Bundle Angle Type Diameter T/D Ratio GMR Resistance Permeability Per Bundle Diameter Conductor 1 (cm) (cm) (/km) (cm) (degrees) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 3.55600 0.37500 0.00000000 0.04304860 1.00000 4 64.65824 45.00 2 1.27000 0.50000 0.00000000 3.10685596 1.00000 1 0.00000 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Resistance matrix (ohm/km): 107.09674E-03 97.2877E-03 94.985047E-03 97.2877E-03 110.49421E-03 97.2877E-03 94.985047E-03 97.2877E-03 107.09674E-03 Inductance matrix (H/km): 1.5767237E-03 751.60456E-06 616.2754E-06 751.60456E-06 1.5708172E-03 751.60456E-06 616.2754E-06 751.60456E-06 1.5767237E-03 Capacitance matrix (F/km): 11.661244E-09 -2.1267491E-09 -583.59054E-12 -2.1267491E-09 12.117359E-09 -2.1267491E-09 -583.59054E-12 -2.1267491E-09 11.661244E-09 Modal parameters for: Untransposed Transformation matrix: 595.18244E-03 -707.10678E-03 -413.16278E-03 539.92049E-03 -20.667491E-15 811.53708E-03 595.18244E-03 707.10678E-03 -413.16278E-03 Modal resistances [0 1 2 3 ... N] (ohm/km) 300.43664E-03 12.111697E-03 11.281839E-03 Modal inductances [0 1 2 3 ... N] (H/km) 2.9777393E-03 960.44826E-06 775.19202E-06 Modal capacitances [0 1 2 3 ... N] (F/km) 8.580247E-09 12.244834E-09 14.548002E-09 Self impedance (Zero-sequence & Positive-sequence): Line 1 [R0 R1] = 301.26953E-03 11.709084E-03 (ohm/km) [L0 L1] = 2.9877445E-03 868.26E-06 (H/km) [C0 C1] = 8.5885563E-09 13.425645E-09 (F/km)
[1] HYPERSIM Reference guide manual for software version 9.1.
[2] Dommel, H., et al., Electromagnetic Transients Program Reference Manual (EMTP Theory Book), 1986.
[3] Carson, J. R., "Wave Propagation in Overhead Wires with Ground Return," Bell Systems Technical Journal, Vol. 5, pp 539-554, 1926.