How to specify IV parameters file in the Schematic Editor ?
The Surge Arrester block has a "Current voltage characteristic" parameter which is a dropdown. When the "Current-voltage table" is selected, you can specify a file which should contain current voltage characteristics in the "Current voltage lookup table" field.
This file has to be in a specific format which is described below.
What is the format of the IV parameters file ?
The current voltage parameters are described in a JSON format. The following parameters must appear in the file.
Paremeter (JSON key) | Value type | Unit | Description | Example |
currentBreakpoints | double[] | A | Current breakpoints of the Surge Arrester | "currentBreakpoints":[ 0.0, 1.0e-3, 3.0e-3, 1.0e-2, 1.0e-1, 10.0, 200.0, 600.0 ], |
voltageValues | double[] | V | Voltage values for each current breakpoint of the Surge Arrester | "voltageValues": [ 0.0, 426.4e3, 450.18e3, 455.92e3, 467.4e3, 501.84e3, 519.88e3, 527.26e3 ] |
All the examples above concatenated would give in a valid JSON format: