Summary of Tutorial
This simple tutorial goes through the basic steps on starting with TestView. It uses an example model from HYPERSIM.
Step 1: HYPERSIM start-up
- Launch HYPERSIM.
- In File > Options, there is the Open an Example File section. Select any example model. In this tutorial, the model HVAC_500kV_6BUS is used (in Transmission & Distribution).
- Click Open Example and select a directory of your choice. In this case, a new folder was created in ‘C:\Users\username\Documents\HYPERSIM\’.
- Either keep the default settings or select the desired settings in the HYPERSIM tab -> Simulation Settings section. Refer to the HYPERSIM Ribbon Options if help is required for that step.
- Load the sensors (.sig) file available in the model directory.
- Start the simulation.
Step 2: ScopeView Start-Up
To launch ScopeView, in the HYPERSIM tab, click the ScopeView button.
ScopeView launches 2 windows, one to work on the signal processing and the other to visualize the results.
Step 3: Add Signals to Visualize
When ScopeView opens, it automatically connects to the model in the forefront (in case multiple models are open) and provides a list (by category) of the sensors selected in HYPERSIM. To connect to another model, read this.
- Click on WES7.Va, WES7.Vb and WES7.Vc. The chosen signals move automatically to the Selected Signals table at the bottom of the window.
- Switch to the category Lines and Cables, then click on all currents at the WED7 end of the line.
Step 4: Prepare the Template
- Click on WES7.Va, WES7.Vb and WES7.Vc to select them (selection is displayed with a thick black border).
- Superimpose the graphs by clicking here:
Note that the order of the signals in the legend follows the order in which all three graphs were selected.
- Repeat the same operation for the line currents.
- Hide the sidebar, we won't need it:
- Open the top bar options:
- Change the Time Length of the acquisition to 0.2.
- If you want, save the template.
Step 4: Visualize Simulation Values
- Start an acquisition and results are displayed.