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Basic eHS Workflow using Simscape Electrical Specialized Power Systems (SPS) Toolbox as a Circuit Editor
Specific requirements
Circuit Design Using the Simscape Electrical Specialized Power Systems (SPS) Libraries
The circuit must be designed using a special subset of blocks found in the SPS libraries. Also, these blocks must be properly named such that they can be easily managed outside the eHS solver.
Supported Block
In the SPS Elements library, the following blocks are supported (refer to the figure below):
Series RLC Branch/Load
Parallel RLC Branch/Load
Pi Section Lines
Linear Transformers
Mutual Inductances
Inductance Matrix Type Transformers
Saturable Transformers (only supported in some specific firmware)
In the SPS Measurements block library, the following blocks are supported (refer to the figure below):
Current Measurement
Voltage Measurement
Three-Phase VI Measurement
In the SPS Power Electronics block library, the following blocks are supported (refer to the figure below):
Ideal Switch
Three-Level Bridge
Universal Bridge
In the SPS Electrical Sources block library, the following elements are supported (refer to the figure below):
DC Voltage Source
AC Voltage Source
AC Current Source
Controlled Voltage Source
Controlled Current Source
Three-Phase Source
Component Naming
The algorithm implemented by OPAL-RT (to convert the SPS model into the data used by the eHS to compute the currents and voltages in the circuit in real time) requires that the model be analyzed to find the supported elements listed above. For source and switch control signals, as well as measurement outputs, the corresponding elements are listed in alphabetical order and will be accessible in that order within the Simulink/RT-LAB environments. For that reason, it is strongly recommended to rename elements with names that are easily recognizable and whose identification from within RT-LAB will be straightforward. The following naming convention is strongly recommended:
Switching devices should be named with the prefix “SW” followed by a 2-digit index, starting from SW01. Elements categorized as “switching elements” are the following: Diode, IGBT/Diode, Breaker and Ideal Switch. This prefix can be followed by other
Sources, whether controlled current or voltage sources, should have the prefix “U” followed by a 2-digit index, starting from U01. This prefix can be followed by others. To avoid confusion, the prefix for a three-phase source should contain three indices, starting with phase A (e.g. “U05 U06 U07 Vabc”).
Measurements of any kind should have the prefix “Y” followed by a 2-digit index, starting from This prefix can be followed by other characters.
Inductances, capacitors and resistors are not accessed directly from RT-LAB and do not have any special naming.
An example of a valid SPS model for a three-phase inverter is shown on the figure below.
OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | | +1 514-935-2323
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