OpPickering_41_752_BattSimulator block | Designed to program Pickering's PXI-41-752 6-channel battery simulator module. |
41-752 board | Single slot PXI module to be placed in an appropriate PXI chassis (e.g. Pickering PXI 40-922). RT-Lab block running in the target communicates with the module through a regular PCIe link, therefore a PXI-PCI interface is required (e.g. Pickering PXI 41-924 kit). |
41-752 module | Contains 6 battery channels which can be programmed independently. At this end, every input of the RT-Lab block is a 6-value vector addressing each channel of the battery simulator. |
Battery simulator | Can supply maximum 7V and 300mA per channel and sink up to 100mA per channel. Cells can be chained together in order to increase the final output. |
Module ID (Slot ID) | Index of the board on target's PCI bus; it can be found using the command lspci. |
Bus ID | Logical bus ID tied to board on target's PCI bus; it can be found using the command lspci. |
Example with 4 boards available:
08:0b.0 Class ff00: PLX Technology, Inc. PCI9030 32-bit 33MHz PCI <-> IOBus Bridge 08:0c.0 Class ff00: PLX Technology, Inc. PCI9030 32-bit 33MHz PCI <-> IOBus Bridge 08:0d.0 Class ff00: PLX Technology, Inc. PCI9030 32-bit 33MHz PCI <-> IOBus Bridge 08:0e.0 Class ff00: PLX Technology, Inc. PCI9030 32-bit 33MHz PCI <-> IOBus Bridge |
When multiple cards are available, they are arranged from right to left in the PXI chassis. In the example above, the board with slot ID = 0x0b (11) is the right-most one, and Bus ID is the first number on each row, in this case 08.
Vout | 6-value input vector set the output voltage for each channel. Vector values are in volts going from 0 to 7V. |
Isink | 6-value input vector to set sink current for each channel. Vector values are in Amps going from 0 to 0.1A. |
Cell_en | 6-value input vector to enable/disable a channel of the module. Vector values are 0 for disabled and 1 for enabled. |
Ex: [1 1 1 0 0 0 ] | enables the first 3 channels and disable the 3 last channels. |
InterLockSt | Reports the module interlock status. Value is set to 0 if interlock is disabled (jumper between pins 16 and 17 is missing), and 1 if enabled. The module will not operate until interlock status is 1 (this is a hardware condition). |
ModuleErr | Error reported by the module at board level. |
CellErr | Error reported by the module at the channel level (vector of 6 error codes). |
Note: Not all error codes apply for Pickering 41-752 Battery simulator board. |
0 | OK |
1 | No Pickering card has the specified number |
2 | Cannot obtain information for specified card |
3 | Specified card is disabled |
4 | Sub-unit value out-of-range for target card |
5 | Bit-number out-of-range for target sub-unit |
6 | Target sub-unit has no calibration data to read/write |
7 | SafeArray type, shape or size is incorrect |
8 | Non-zero write data value is illegal for MUX sub-unit |
9 | Execution would cause closure limit to be exceeded |
10 | One or more of the specified channels cannot be masked |
11 | Cannot activate an output that is masked |
12 | Cannot open a Pickering card at the specified location |
13 | Failed read from hardware |
14 | Failed write to hardware |
15 | Hardware driver failure |
16 | Incompatible hardware driver version |
17 | Function call incompatible with sub-unit type or capabilities |
18 | Matrix row value out-of-range |
19 | Matrix column value out-of-range |
20 | Attenuation value out-of-range |
21 | Voltage value out-of-range |
22 | Calibration index value out-of-range |
23 | Segment number out of range |
24 | Function code value out of range |
25 | Subswitch value out of range |
26 | Action code out of range |
27 | Cannot execute due to corrupt sub-unit state |
28 | Unrecognized attribute code |
29 | Timeout writing to EEPROM |
30 | Operation is illegal in the sub-unit's current state |
31 | Unrecognized pot number requested |
32 | Invalid write pattern for MATRIXR sub-unit |
33 | Attempted operation on non-existent channel |
34 | Card cannot be accessed (failed/removed/unpowered) |
35 | Unsupported internal floating-point format (internal error) |
36 | Sub-unit is not calibrated |
37 | Unobtainable resistance value |
38 | Invalid calibration store number |
39 | Invalid mode value |
40 | Conflicting device settings |
41 | Function call incompatible with card type or capabilities |
42 | Switch pole value out of range |
43 | Attempted to activate a non-existent capability |
44 | Action requires hardware that is not present |
45 | Faulty hardware |
46 | Failed to execute (e.g. blocked by a hardware condition) |
47 | Current value out of range |
48 | Invalid range value |
49 | Attribute not supported |
50 | Register number out of range |
51 | Invalid channel closure or write a pattern for MATRIXP sub-unit |
52 | Data buffer too small |
53 | Inconsistent shared access mode |
Multiple blocks can be added in an OPAL-RT model as long as each one drives a different module (unique slot ID).
For further information on the PXI 41-752 module itself, please read the following documentation given with your system from Pickering: 41-752D.pdf (datasheet), 41-752M.pdf (user manual).
Note: The channel is equivalent to a cell of a real battery. |
This block requires Pickering's libpilpxi32 shared library (must be found in the libraries path).
Direct Feedthrough | No |
Discrete sample time | Yes |
XHP support | N/A |
Work offline | Yes |