OP5369 bidirectional 32 digital inputs/outputs card block
OP5330 16 analog outputs card block
OP5367-3 bidirectional 16 digital inputs/16 digital outputs card block
OP5367-5 32 digital inputs card block
OP5369 available configuration parameters
OP5330 available configuration parameters
OP5367-3 available configuration parameters
OP5367-5 available configuration parameters
The mezzanine option block is used to configure the parameters of a mezzanine during the load of the simulation.
Controller name | Bind this block to an OpCtrl or an OpLnk block by entering the same 'Controller Name' as specified in one of these blocks. |
Mezzanine type | A drop-down list of the cards supported by this block |
Chassis slot | A drop-down list of the physical location of the mezzanine to be configured |
Enable 2Msps / 8 Channels mode | Checking this box sets the analog out to 2Msps maximum sampling rate; if unchecked it is set to 1Msps maximum sampling rate. This parameter is only available for the OP5330 mezzanine type. |
Threshold low | The voltage level of the falling edge detection value to be configured. The resolution is 0.1176 V for OP5369 and 0.2022 V for OP5367-3 and OP5367-5. |
Threshold high | The voltage level of the rising edge detection value to be configured. The resolution is 0.1176 V for OP5369 and 0.2022 V for OP5367-3 and OP5367-5. |
The following table describes the supported Mezzanine type.
Mezzanine type | Description |
OP5369 - 32DIO | With an OP5369 digital bidirectional card, the detection voltages for a rising edge (threshold high) and a falling edge (threshold low) are configurable during a load of an RT-LAB model. The values for the low and high thresholds are applicable for entire groups of 8 channels. Threshold units are volts, and the resolution is 0.1176 V. |
OP5330 - 16 AO | With an OP5330 AO card, the maximum sampling rate for analog out is configurable during load of an RT-LAB model. The supported maximum sampling rates are 1Msps and 2Msps. In the case of 2Msps, the available channels are channel 0, 1, 4, 5 for the first subsection and channel 8, 9, 12, 13 for the second subsection. |
OP5367-3 - 16DI/16DO | With an OP5367-3 digital bidirectional card, the detection voltages for a rising edge (threshold high) and a falling edge (threshold low) are configurable for the first 16 channels during a load of an RT-LAB model. The values for the low and high thresholds are applicable for entire groups of 8 channels. Threshold units are volts, and the resolution is 0.2022 V. |
OP5367-5 - 16DI | With an OP5367-5 digital input card, the detection voltages for a rising edge (threshold high) and a falling edge (threshold low) are configurable for the 32 channels during a load of an RT-LAB model. The values for the low and high thresholds are applicable for entire groups of 8 channels. Threshold units are volts, and the resolution is 0.2022 V. |
This block has no input.
Status: This output returns the following values:
Value | Description |
0 | No error. |
-1 | An error occurred during the mezzanine configuration. Please refer to the RT-LAB log for more information. |