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The base parameters are computed in the Transformer Data Tab.
Description | Use this field to add information and pertinent details about the component |
Base primary/secondary winding voltage (rmsLL) | Base value for PU conversion (kV) defined in Transformer Data Tab (kV) Voltage expressed in kV rms LL This base voltage and nominal voltage will change, if the corresponding winding connection switches between delta and Y. |
Base power (total) | Base value for PU conversion (MVA) |
Base frequency | Base value for PU conversion (Hz) |
The R and L matrices as well as the positive- and zero-sequence parameters are computed in the Transformer Data Tab.
Primary/secondary connection | Winding type
Rm - positive sequence | Defined in Transformer Data Tab (Ω) |
Rm - zero sequence | Defined in Transformer Data Tab (Ω) |
[R] | Leakage resistance matrix (Ω) |
[L] | Leakage inductance matrix (H) |
The neutral impedance parameters are computed in the Transformer Data Tab.
R1, R2 | Neutral resistance of the winding; only applies to Y ground (Ω) |
L1, L2 | Neutral inductance of the winding; only applies to Y ground (H) |
C1, C2 | Neutral capacitance of the winding; only applies to Y ground (F) |
To Learn How to Generate Transformer Parameters See: |
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Net_1 | Primary winding connection (supports only 3-phase connections) |
Net_2 | Secondary winding connection (supports only 3-phase connections) |
Net_N1 | Neutral connection for primary winding (supports only 1-phase connections) |
Net_N2 | Neutral connection for secondary winding (supports only 1-phase connections) |
[1] Dommel, H., et al., Electromagnetic Transients Program Reference Manual (EMTP Theory Book), 1986
[2] A transformer model for winding fault studies, Partrick Bastard, Pierre Bertrand, Michel Meunier, IEEE, Vol 9, No 2, April 1994