
This example model can be found in the software under the category "Benchmarks" with the file name "HVAC_230kV_24Bus_IEEE.ecf".


This model simulates the IEEE 24-Bus reliability Test system. This network is used for bulk power system reliability evaluation studies. For the data and parameters of the model, the reference [1] has been used.  This model contains 24 load/generation buses connected by 38 lines or autotransformers at two voltage levels, 138 and 230 kV. The transmission system includes cables, lines on a common right of way, and lines on a common tower. This generation system and transmission network can be used to test or compare methods for reliability analysis of power systems. For this example, two three-phase faults are considered on Buses 104 and 119. The fault times can be modified as required by the user, and new faults can also be added on other buses.

All the machines of the generation system are controlled by internal exciters, governors (speed regulators), and stabilizers. The user can change this configuration by double-clicking on the machine subsystem and changing the values in the mask. The following is a snapshot of the machine configuration:

Figure 1: Synchronous machine configuration settings

Simulation and Results

Scenario 1: Three-phase fault on Bus 104

As part of the example model setup, the user can perform two types of scenarios. The first scenario is about introducing a three-phase fault on Bus 104 at 0.1s by 0.05s. This scenario gives the user an idea of reliability in power systems, and how it reacts after clearing a fault. The user can change these settings by going into the fault subsystem and changing the values of T1 and T2, configuring the fault activation and clear times, respectively.

The following is a snapshot of fault settings:

Figure 2: Fault configuration settings

The following are the results from ScopeView following the three-phase fault on Bus 104.

Figure 3: Voltage of Buses 103, 111, and 117 with a three-phase to-ground fault at Bus 104.

Figure 4: Bus Voltage and Fault current with a three-phase to ground fault at Bus 104.

Figure 5: Machine terminal voltages with a three-phase to ground fault at Bus 104.

Scenario 2: Three-phase fault on Bus 119

The model is also equipped with a three-phase fault on Bus119. Similar to scenario 1, the default times for this fault are set to activate at 0.1s and clear 0.05s later. By default this fault is disabled and only the three-phase fault described in the previous scenario is enabled. To activate only this fault it is necessary to check the Enable option within the fault subsystem called Fault2 and also check the disable option within the fault subsystem called Fault1. 

The following are the results from ScopeView following the three-phase fault on Bus 104.

Figure 6: Voltage of Buses 103, 111, and 117 with a three-phase to-ground fault at Bus 119.

Figure 7: Bus Voltage and Fault current with a three-phase to ground fault at Bus 119.

Figure 8: Machine Terminal voltages with a three-phase to-ground fault at Bus 119


[1] The IEEE Reliability Test System – 1996, IEEE Transaction on Power Systems, Vol. 14, No. 3, August 1999.