Graph Widget

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Graph Widget

The Graph widget shows signal values over time within an acquisition period.

Connecting a Graph widget

The connections to the “Graph widget” can’t be changed during a simulation.

To add signals to the graph widget, use the Data Point Picker of the Data parameter.

The Data parameter, in green, is used to select signals to be acquired and drawn into the graphs.

The Trig signal parameter (shown in purple) is used to select a trigger signal. When no trigger is selected, acquisition runs continuously, restarting at the end of each acquisition period.

Note that the trigger signal can function independently of selection in the Data parameter, though it can be selected there if visualizing it is necessary.

RT-LAB limitation: A given graph widget can only show signals within the same sub-system (SM, SS) and children's. Auto-filtering of the available data points is done accordingly.

Data and Trig Signal must be connected before running the simulation.

Once started, neither the signal data nor the trigger signal can be modified.

Simulation and Acquisition

Depending on computer performance and CPU allocation, using more than 16 graph widgets may lead to high UI latency.

At the beginning of the simulation, the graph widget initializes every selected signals. This initialization takes about 5 seconds while other widgets display values right away:


A loading icon is displayed when the acquisition is initializing or if the trigger condition has not been met.

Period (X) of acquisition and Scale

The Period (X) determine the length of the acquisition and the memory allocation.

This parameter can be changed while the simulation run, but cannot be extended more than 5 seconds above the initial period.

The Scale mode (X) can be set to display absolute time, starting when the simulation begins, or relative to display the acquisition period for each.

On the vertical Axis, the Autoscale will rescale the graph to the maximun and minimun values of the current acquisition.

When the Autoscale is off, the Maximun and Minimun sets the Y axis.

Mode X/Y

The “Mode” option can be changed from “Time plot“ (default option) to “X/Y” in order to change the values of the x-axis.

  • In Time plot mode, each curve is plotted using the values of each connected data point in Data (Y), with the x-axis representing the acquisition time as defined by the Period (X) parameter.

    In X/Y mode, the values from Data (Y) are plotted against the corresponding values from the connected data point in Data (X).

Trigger and acquisition start

By default, no Trig signal is connected, and acquisition runs continuously.

Selecting a trigger signal starts acquisition only when the trigger condition is met.

Multiple graph widgets can start on different event, as each has their own datalogger.

RT-LAB limitation: A given graph widget can only trig on signal within the same sub-system (SM, SS) and children's than the acquired signal(s). Auto-filtering of the available data point is done accordingly.

Trigger Configuration

The Condition sets the comparison done between the Trig signal value and the reference Level. The acquisition start when the conditions is reached.
The X position sets where the Acquisition start is shown in the graph. Pre-trig data will be acquired accordingly.


Rising edge: trigger signal passes through the reference level with a low-to-high transition.

Falling edge: trigger signal passes through the reference level with a high-to-low transition.

Above level: trigger signal is greater than the reference level.

Below level: trigger signal is lower than the reference level.

Widget Style

The legend can be hide. When shown, clicking on the a name will hide its trace from the graph.

Background and Border Colors, Label (X) and Label (Y) can be modified.

OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | opal-rt.com | +1 514-935-2323
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