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Half Line
The half line model is used to decouple two discretized system using an inductor. The equations are similar to a PI-line section, where the shunt capacitor are determined by the discretization sampling time and the inductor value. When sampling time are very small, and inductor are large, the introduced parasitic capacitor can be neglected.
Two half line components must be connected through transceiver elements (or real-time simulator I/Os) to represent a stubline. Half line parameters must be the same in both components. The round trip latency refers to the number of sampling time required to reach and return from another half line. For the digital simulation of the model on one simulator on CPU, round trip latency should be 3. For simulation on CPU/FPGA, round trip latency should be between 2 and 3, depending on the implementation. For the simulation on 2 simulators, the actual round trip latency includes the delay in I/O drivers.
Mask and Parameters
Name | Description | Unit |
Half line model | Option to select between two modes for the half line: (1) “Use inductance only” (The half line represents a series inductance branch), (2) “Use capacitance only” (The half line represents a shunt capacitance branch) |
Inductance | Total inductance of the stubline (Edit the value when “Use inductance only”) | mH |
Capacitance | Total inductance of the stubline (Edit the value when “Use capacitance only”) | F |
Round trip latency | Time it takes for the signal to travel from one half line to another half line and return. | µs |
Ports, Inputs, Outputs and Signals Available for Monitoring
This component supports a single-phase RL line
Name | Description |
P | Network connection of the positive terminal. |
N | Network connection of the negative terminal. |
Name | Description |
In | The current injection signal coming from another half line |
Name | Description |
Out | The current injection signal sent to another half line |
At acquisition, the signals available by the sensors are:
Name | Description | Unit |
In | Current measurement received from another half line | A |
Out | Current measurement sent to another half line | A |
OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | | +1 514-935-2323
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