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This model is a general-purpose rotating excitation system model that, given the proper parameters and tuning, can represent a variety of exciters. The REXSYS component was developed in line with the reference [1].
Mask and Parameters
AVR parameters
Expanding the "REXSYS AVR diagram" displays the block diagram in the parameters window.
Name | Description | Unit | Parameter range |
Tr | Regulator input filter time constant | s | - |
Kvp | Voltage regulator proportional gain | - | Kvp ≠ 0 |
Kvi | Voltage regulator integral gain | - | - |
VImax | Voltage regulator input limit | pu | - |
Ta | Voltage regulator time constant | s |
Tc1 | First stage lead-lag numerator time constant | s | - |
Tb1 | First stage lead-lag denominator time constant | s | - |
Tc2 | Second stage lead-lag numerator time constant | s | - |
Tb2 | Second lead-lag denominator time constant | s | - |
VRmax | Maximum voltage regulator output | pu | - |
VRmin | Minimum voltage regulator output | pu | - |
Kf | Rate feedback gain | - | - |
Tf | Rate feedback time constant | s | If Tf < 0.2, then Tf = 0.2 |
Tf1 | Feedback lead-lag numerator time constant | s | - |
Tf2 | Feedback lead-lag denominator time constant | s | - |
Fbf | Rate feedback signal selector | - | [1, 2, 3] |
FCR and Exciter Parameters
Expanding the "FCR and Exciter diagram" displays the block diagram in the parameters window.
Name | Description | Unit | Variable = {Possible Values} |
Kip | Field current regulator proportional gain | - | - |
Kii | Field current regulator integral gain | - | - |
Tp | Field current bridge time constant | s | - |
VFmax | Maximum exciter field current | pu | - |
VFmin | Minimum exciter field current | pu | - |
Kh | Field voltage controller feedback gain | - | - |
Ke | Exciter constant related to self-excited field | - | - |
Te | Exciter time constant | s |
Kc | Rectifier loading factor proportional to commutating reactance | - | - |
Kd | Exciter demagnetizing factor | - | - |
Se2, Se1 | Exciter saturation factor at the corresponding Vex | pu | - |
Ve2,Ve1 | Exciter voltage for the exciter saturation function | pu | Ve1 > Ve2 > 0 |
F1imf | Power supply limit factor | - | - |
Initial Value Parameters
Name | Description | Unit | Variable = {Possible Values} |
Ifd0 | Synchronous machine field current initial value | pu | -- |
Efd0 | Exciter output voltage initial value | pu | -- |
The parameters Ifd0 and Efd0 can be set manually, by entering a numerical value. It can also be set automatically based on load flow calculations, by entering a referenced synchronous machine variable. For instance, if the name of the synchronous machine on which the excitation system is connected is “SM1”:
- If a thermal machine or a hydraulic machine is used, Ifd0 shall be set as “=SM1.IfdInit” multiplied by the synchronous machine parameter Xad = Xd – Xl, and Efd0 shall be set as “=SM1.EfdInit”;
- If a pu standard or pu fundamental machine is used, Ifd0 shall be set as “=SM1.IF_Init” and Efd0 shall be set as "=SM1.EFD_Init".
The HYPERSIM simulation option “Set Initial Conditions” must be checked for the automatic initialization to work properly.
Inputs and Outputs and Additional Signals Available for Monitoring
Name | Description | Unit |
Voel* | Overexcitation limiter output | pu |
Vc1 | Signal proportional to compensated terminal voltage. If a load compensator block is not used upstream from the exciter block, then Vc1 is equal to Vt (main alternator terminal voltage) | pu |
Vuel* | Underexcitation limiter output | pu |
Vref | Voltage regulator reference voltage | pu |
Vs | Output voltage of a Power System Stabilizer (PSS) | pu |
Ifd** | Synchronous machine field current | pu |
Vd | d-axis component of generator terminal voltage | pu |
Vq | q-axis component of generator terminal voltage | pu |
*Vuel and Voel are normally inputs to the excitation system but the user has the option to use a fixed constant value directly in the component mask by choosing “internal”.
**The observable field current Ifd from the synchronous machine in HYPERSIM needs to be multiplied by the machine’s Xad = Xd – Xl prior to its input to the exciter.
The terminal voltage calculation is performed in terms of Vd and Vq using the following equation:
Name | Description | Unit |
Efd | Exciter output voltage | pu |
The terminal voltage calculation is performed in terms of Vd and Vq using the following equation:
The HYPERSIM simulation option Set Initial Conditions must be checked for the calculation to work properly.
1. PSS®E 34.2.0 Model Library. NY, USA: Siemens Industry, Inc., 2017.
OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | | +1 514-935-2323
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