2-Winding 3-Phase Saturable Autotransformer with Internal Tertiary

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2-Winding 3-Phase Saturable Autotransformer with Internal Tertiary


This model implements an autotransformer with one tapping point. It can be used in many applications including the starting of induction motors, voltage regulation of transmission lines, and to transform voltages when the primary to secondary ratio is close to unity.

Table of Contents

Mask and Parameters

General Parameters

Tertiary connectionSelect whether the delta-connected winding voltage will lead or lag the star-connected winding voltage or ground C-phase
Flux-Current characteristic modelModel saturation only or saturation with hysteresis
Iteration in saturation modelEnable or disable iteration to achieve more accurate results at the expense of computation time when the saturation segment changes
Base serial/common/tertiary winding voltage (rmsLL)Base value for PU conversion (kV)
RmEquivalent resistance of iron losses of the magnetic circuit (Ω)
Base primary/secondary winding voltage (rmsLL)

Base value for PU conversion (kV)

  • Voltage expressed in kV rms LL
  • This base voltage and nominal voltage will change, if the corresponding winding connection switches between delta and Y.
Base power (total)Base value for PU conversion (MVA)
Base frequencyBase value for PU conversion (Hz)
Parameter calculation method
  • Equal R1 R2: Resistance of the series winding is set equal to the common winding
  • Classic: R1, R2, and R3 are calculated using between winding resistances R12, R13 and R23 
R12Primary to secondary resistance (pu)
R13Primary to tertiary resistance (pu)
R23Secondary to tertiary resistance (pu)
L12Primary to secondary inductance (pu)
L13Primary to tertiary inductance(pu)
L23Secondary to tertiary inductance (pu)

Neutral Impedance Parameters

R1, R2, R3, R4Neutral resistance of the winding; only applies to Y ground (Ω)
L1, L2, L3, L4Neutral inductance of the winding; only applies to Y ground (H)
C1, C2, C3, C4Neutral capacitance of the winding; only applies to Y ground (F)

Saturation Parameters

Number of data pointsNumber of segments of the current-flux saturation curve; only the positive part of the curve must be specified, the negative part being completed by symmetry
Saturation currentCurrent for each segment of the saturation curve; the origin (0,0) is implied (A)
Saturation fluxFlux for each segment of the saturation curve; the origin (0.0,0.0) is implied (V.s)

Hysteresis Parameters

Saturation data typeDetermines if the saturation curve is calculated by the model or defined by a series of segments (Equation, Curve)
Air core inductanceValue of the saturation inductance that the curve approaches asymptotically (H)
Slope at Ic:Flux slope at coercive current (H)
Coercive current - IcPositive coercive current at null flux (A)
Saturation current - IsCurrent value of the first point in the saturation zone (A)
Current toleranceSpecial parameter limiting the generation of minor nested loops. When the magnetizing current values at the last inversion point and the preceding inversion point are closer than the specified tolerance (in % of Ic), it is assumed that there is a displacement on a trajectory represented by a straight line segment.
Remanent flux - ΦrPositive remanent flux at null current (V.s)
Saturation flux - ΦsFlux value of the first point in the saturation zone (V.s)
Flux toleranceSpecial parameter limiting the generation of minor nested loops. When the flux values at the last inversion point and the preceding inversion point are closer than the specified tolerance (in % of Φs), it is assumed that there is a displacement on the current loop.
Initial flux (peak)Initial flux determining initial trajectory which is calculated by supposing that it has an inversion point on the main cycle (V.s)
Number of data pointsNumber of segments of the current-flux saturation curve; only the positive part of the curve must be specified, the negative part being completed by symmetry
Saturation currentCurrent for each segment of the saturation curve; the first value must be equal to Is (A)
Saturation fluxFlux for each segment of the saturation curve; the first value must be equal to Φs (V.s)

Ports, Inputs, Outputs and Signals Available for Monitoring


Net_1Primary winding connection (supports only 3-phase connections)
Net_2Secondary winding connection (supports only 3-phase connections)

Neutral connection for primary winding (supports only 1-phase connections)

Net_3Tertiary winding connection (supports only 3-phase connections)


  • None


  • None


FLUX(a,b,c)Magnetization flux for each phaseV.s
IMAG(a,b,c)Magnetization current for each phaseA
IPRIM(a,b,c)Primary current for each phaseA
ISEC2(a,b,c)Secondary current for each phaseA
ISEC3(a,b,c)Tertiary current for each phaseA

Segment number of the saturation curve

  • In the saturation model, the numbering is always positive starting at 1 for the last segment in the negative saturation zone.
  • In the hysteresis model, the numbering is positive/negative starting at 1/-1 in the positive/negative saturation zone. In the hysteresis zone, it takes a null value.

Internal Connection and Parameters

The internal connection of the autotransformer is shown below. Note that it is the phase C's terminal of tertiary which is grounded. The neutral point of the autotransformer is accessible via the single-phase "N" terminal.

The main