49M - Thermal Overload Protection for Motors

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49M - Thermal Overload Protection for Motors


This block models a 49M - Thermal overload protection function for motors.  The primary application of this function is to protect the electric motors from overheating. The 49M models the thermal behavior of motor on the basis of the measured load current and disconnects the motor when the thermal content reaches a set pickup thermal loading value. [1]

Table of Contents

Details on the 49M Model Functionality

The figure below shows the block diagram [1] of the 49M relay.

Max Current Selector

Max current selector selects the highest measured true RMS phase current and reports it to Thermal level calculator.

Internal FLC Calculator

Full load current (FLC) of the motor is defined by the manufacturer at an ambient temperature of 40°C. A motor operating at a higher temperature, even if at or below rated load, can subject the motor windings to excessive temperature similar to that resulting from overload operation at normal ambient temperature. The motor rating has to be appropriately reduced for operation in such high ambient temperatures. Similarly, when the ambient temperature is considerably lower than the nominal 40°C, the motor can be slightly overloaded [1].

For calculating thermal level, it is better that the FLC values are scaled for different temperatures. The scaled currents are known as internal FLC.

An internal FLC is calculated based on the ambient temperature shown in the below table:

Ambient Temperature Tamb (oC)Internal/calculated FLC

< 20 oC


>= 20 oC and < 40 oC


= 40 oC


> 40 oC and <= 65 oC


> 65 oC


When the value of the Env temperature mode setting is set to the "FLC Only" mode, no internal FLC is calculated. Instead, the FLC specified at 40oC is used. When the value of the Env temperature mode setting is set to "Use input" mode, the internal FLC is calculated based on the ambient temperature taken as an input.

Thermal Level Calculator

This module calculates the thermal load considering the max phase true rms and negative-sequence currents. The heating up of the motor is determined by the square value of the load current. However, in case of unbalanced phase currents, the negative-sequence current also causes additional heating. By deploying a protection based on both current components, abnormal heating of the motor is avoided.

The equations used [1] for the heating calculations are:


I = True RMS value of measured max of phase currents,

Ir = FLC or Internal FLC,

I2 = measured negative sequence current,

k = set value of Overload factor,

K2 = set value of Negative seq factor,

p = set value of Weighting factor,

τ = time constant

The equation θB is used when the values of all the phase currents are below the overload limit, that is, k x Ir. The equation θA is used when the value of any one of the phase currents exceeds the overload limit.

Note: During overload condition, the thermal level calculator calculates the value of θB in background, and when the overload ends the thermal level is brought linearly from θA to θB with a speed of 1.66 percent per second.

In order to accurately calculate the motor thermal condition, different time constants are used in the above equations. These time constants are employed based on different motor running conditions, for example starting, normal or stop, and are set through the Time constant start, Time constant normal and Time constant stop settings. Only one time constant is valid at a time.

Time constant  in use (s)

Phase current (pu)

Time constant start

I > 2.5*Ir

Time constant normal

0.12*Ir < I < 2.5*Ir

Time constant stop

I < 0.12*Ir

Alarm and Tripping Logic

When the thermal level exceeds the set value of the thermal value pickup level setting, the TRIP output is activated. Similarly, when thermal level exceeds the set value of the Alarm thermal value setting, the ALARM output is activated.

The TRIP and ALARM outputs reset when the value of the thermal content drops below set thermal pickup level and alarm pickup level respectively.

The high (1) value of the Block input blocks the Trip and Alarm outputs

Mask and Parameters

Below figure shows the control panel of the 49M relay model:

The following parameters are tunable:

NameDescriptionUnitVariable = {Possible Values}


Operation On/Off


operation_onoff_param = {0, 1}

Full load Current

Full load current at 40 oC


full_load_current_param={[0, 100]}

Overload factor

Overload factor


overload_factor_param={[1, 10]}

Weighting factor

Weighting factor (p)


weighting_factor_param={[10, 100]}

Negative Seq factor

Heating effect factor for negative sequence current.


negative_seq__factor_param={[0, 50]}

Env temperature mode

Mode of measuring ambient temperature.


environment_tmp_mode_param= {0, 1}
FLC only Uses FLC only.
Use input Calculates the internal FLC using the input temperature.

Thermal Pickup level

Thermal level above which function gives a trip.


thermal_pickup_level_param={[5, 100]}

Alarm Alarm level

Thermal level above which function gives an alarm


thermal_alarm_level_param={[5, 100]}

Initial thermal level

Initial thermal level of the motor


initial_thermal_level_param={[0, 100]}

Time constant start

Motor time constant during the start of motor


tau_start_param={[0, 1e6]}

Time constant normal

Motor time constant during the normal operation of motor


tau_normal_param={[0, 1e6]}

Time constant stop

Motor time constant during the standstill condition of motor


tau_stop_param={[0, 1e6]}

Inputs, Outputs and Signals Available for Monitoring



A 3-dimension per-unit true RMS for three-phase currents, in the order of Ia, Ib and Ic.

I2Magnitude of per-unit negative sequence current.
BlockBlock signal blocks the Trip and Alarm output.


The ambient temperature used in the calculation.


TripThermal Trip, it is 0, if the motor thermal loading is more that set thermal pick up level, it becomes 1.
AlarmThermal Alarm, it is 0, if the motor thermal loading is more that set thermal alarm level, it becomes 1.


mCalculated thermal loading of the motor%

Setting of Different Relay Parameters

Setting of Weighting factor

Generally, an approximate value of half of the thermal capacity is used when the motor is running at full load. By setting Weighting factor p to 50 percent, the protection relay notifies a 45 to 50 percent thermal capacity use at full load. 

Setting of Overload factor

The overload factor is defined as the value of highest permissible continuous load. The recommended value value is 1.05.

Setting of  Negative Seq factor

During the unbalance condition, the symmetry of the stator currents is disturbed, and a counter-rotating negative sequence component current is set up. An increased stator current causes additional heating in the stator and the negative sequence component current excessive heating in the rotor.

For more accurate thermal modelling of the motor, the Negative Seq factor setting is used for taking account of the unbalance condition.


where, RR2 is rotor negative sequence resistance,

RR1 is rotor positive sequence resistance.

A typical estimate for the setting can be calculated:


where, ILR is the per unit Locked rotor current or same as the motor starting current.

Typical Values for Parameters

The parameter section shows the possible values for each parameter. This section specifies typical values for a few parameters [2] which would be useful as a start to work with the relay model. These values would change to fit the situation of the 49M relay model so they cannot be taken as sole values for each parameter. 
NameDescriptionUnitTypical Values


Operation On/Off



Full load Current

Full load current at 40 oC



Overload factor

Overload factor



Weighting factor

Weighting factor (p)



Negative Seq factor

Heating effect factor for negative sequence current.



Env temperature mode

Mode of measuring ambient temperature: FLC only (40 oC); Use input


FLC only
FLC OnlyUses FLC only.
Use inputCalculates the internal FLC using the input temperature.

Thermal pick-up level

Thermal level above which function gives a Trip



Alarm pick-up level

Thermal level above which function gives an Alarm



Initial thermal level

Initial thermal level of the motor



Time constant start

Motor time constant during the start of motor



Time constant normal

Motor time constant during the normal operation of motor



Time constant stop

Motor time constant during the standstill condition of motor




  1. REM620 series IEC 2.0 FP1, Technical Manual - ABB 
  2. REM620 IEC 2.0 FP1, Motor Protection and Control, Product Guide - ABB

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