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Wideband Line/Cable


This device is used for modeling transmission lines or cables. It is the most sophisticated line and cable modeling technique available. It represents the complete frequency dependence of parameters and constitutes a wideband model.  There is only a multiphase version of this device. 

The user must enter the Number of conductors and select the model data file. The model data file format must be the one given in the “Wideband Line/Cable Fitter” device. The drawing of this device is continuously updated according to the selected number of conductors.  More theoretical and model implementation details can be found in [1].

Table of Contents

Mask and Parameters


NameDescriptionUnitVariable = {Possible Values}
DescriptionUse this field to add information about the component
Description = {'string'}
EMTP .dat file

The location (path) of the EMTP file (dat) given by the “WB fitter” device containing the line parameters

File = {''}
Number of conductorsNumber of conductors in the line/cable system

Nb_conducteurs = {0, 1e64}

Minimum propagation delayMinimum value of the different propagation mode delays in the line/cable systemsMinPropagationDelay = { [ 0, 1e64 ] }
Number of Yc polesNumber of poles in the fitting of the characteristic admittance matrix
nbYcPoles = { [0, 9999] }
Number of H polesSum of the different propagation function pole numbers
nbHPoles = {'0, 9999'}
Number of modesNumber of propagation modes

nbModes = { [0, 9999] }

Number of phasesNumber of phases

numPhases = { [0, 12] }

Ports, Inputs, Outputs and Signals Available for Monitoring


This component supports a multiphase transmission line with n phases 



net_(1,2,...,n)_1Network connection of phases (1,2,..,n) of the left (+) side
net_(1,2,...,n)_2Network connection of phases (1,2,...,n) of the right side







Data of a 3-phase WB Line Model

The following figure shows the geometrical data of a 735-kV transmission line as an example to simulate a 3-phase WB model.

The calculation of the electrical parameters can be done with the Line Data auxiliary moduleThe lyz file is used in the Wideband Line/Cable Fitter module to produce a dat file for the WB line model. A portion of the dat file generated with the Wideband Line/Cable Fitter is shown next.


  1. Morched A., Gustavsen B. and Tartibi M.: “A universal model for accurate calculation of electromagnetic transients on overhead lines and underground cables”. Power Delivery, IEEE Transactions, Volume: 14, Issue: 3 , July 1999, pp. 1032 -1038

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