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Phase Domain Synchronous Machine | List of Available Signals Synchronous Machine

At acquisition, the following signals are made available by the sensors:

  • ias, ibs, ics: Three-phase current of the machine (A);
  • ias_pu, ibs_pu, ics_pu: Three-phase current of the machine (pu);
  • iax_pu, ibx_pu, icx_pu: Parallel winding x current (pu);
  • iafx_pu, ibfx_pu: Faulted winding current (x odd: top part; x even: bottom part) (pu);
  • ig_pu: Neutral current (pu);
  • idef_Tx: Fault current of type x (pu);
  • ifd, ikd, ikq1, ikq2: Rotor windings current (pu);
  • we_pu: Angular speed (pu);
  • Te_pu: Electrical torque (pu);
  • Pe_pu: Active power (pu);
  • Theta_e_deg: Rotor electrical angle (degres).

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