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Examples | PowerFactory Import 39-Bus New England System
The IEEE39 bus example model is a modified version of the default PowerFactory example
Details are provided below, see
This example model can be found in the HYPERSIM under the category "How To" with the file name "PowerFactory_Import_39_Bus.ecf".
The folder structure of this demo is as follows:
│ │ PowerFactory_Import_39_Bus.csv
│ │ PowerFactory_Import_39_Bus.svt
│ …
│ │
│ └───PowerFactory_ref_model
│ PowerFactory_Import_39_Bus.xml
│ PowerFactory_Import_39_Bus_Results.csv
The folder PowerFactory_ref_model contains the XML export of the PowerFactory model, and the simulation results from PowerFactory which can be used for comparison purposes.
This model is a modified version of the 39 Bus System example provided by PowerFactory 2023:
A new Study Case was created in the original project, which is partially based on the EMT Simulation Fault Bus 03 one. This new Study Case was in turn associated to 4 modified network variations.
All together, this set of network variations results in a network model with the following modifications:
PH-E connected constant impedance, 100% static loads.
Yg-connected synchronous machines.
ESST1A excitation system models associated to all synchronous machines.
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