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AC Voltage Source with Impedance
The impedance source is implemented as a three-phase network element. The model is a Norton equivalent that directly interfaces with network elements.
Model equations
The equations below describe the impedance source:
are the internal voltages of the source for phases a, b, and c, respectively.
are the resistances, mutual inductances, and self-inductances of the voltage source for i = a, b, c and j = a, b, c.
The internal voltages of the source are obtained automatically if the source participates in the load flow or are input by the user.
The resistances, mutual inductances, and self-inductances of the voltage source are obtained or calculated based on the selected Input Mode:
If Input Mode is Matrix: The user provides the source impedance matrix.
If Input Mode is Sequences: The user provides the positive and zero sequence impedances. The resistances, mutual inductances, and self-inductances are then calculated as follows:
Input Mode is ShortCircuit data. The user provides the three-phase and single-phase short-circuit powers, as well as the ratios between reactance and resistance for the positive and zero sequences. The resistances and reactances in the positive and zero sequences are then calculated as follows:
Where is the ratio between reactance and resistance of the positive sequence.
The zero-sequence resistance is calculated by solving the second-order equation below:
And is the ratio between the reactance and the resistance of the zero sequence.
If this equation does not yield any real roots, and the resistance is obtained as follows:
Participation of the model in the load-flow solution
The impedance source participates in the load flow.
Mask and Parameters
The source with impedance form has three tabs:
General: contains the general parameters of the source.
Impedance: defines the source impedance.
Load Flow: defines the initial conditions of the source.
Below are each tab's figures, the variables' tables, and their definitions.
Name | Description | Unit |
Base Power | Rated power | kVA |
Base Voltage | Rated voltage (line-to-line) | kV |
Frequency | Rated frequency | Hz |
Connection | Winding connection | - |
Amplitude | Amplitude (RMS phase-to-ground) of each phase | Ohm |
Angle | Angle of each phase | Ohm |
Name | Description | Unit |
Input Mode | The impedance of the source can be chosen as follows:
R- matrix mode | Resistance in matrix form | Ohm |
L-matrix mode | Inductance sous forme matricielle | Henry |
R-sequence | Inductance in matrix form | Ohm |
L-sequence | Positive and zero-sequence inductance | Henry |
S3cc-3 phase short-circuit power | Three-phase short-circuit power | W |
S1cc-1 phase short-circuit power | Single-phase short-circuit power | W |
X1R1-Ratio positive resistance and reactance | Ratio between resistance and reactance of the positive sequence | - |
X0R0-Ratio homopolaire resistance and reactance | Ratio between resistance and reactance of the positive sequence | - |
Load Flow
Name | Description | Unit |
Type of bus | The bus can be:
| - |
Voltage | The desired voltage at the terminals of the source | pu |
Angle | The desired voltage angle at the terminals of the source | deg |
Active power | The active power delivered by the source | MW |
Reactive power | The reactive power delivered by the source | MVAr |
Reactive power minimum | The minimum reactive power that the source must deliver | MVAr |
Reactive power maximum | The maximum reactive power that the source must deliver | MVAr |
Ports, Inputs, Outputs and Signals Available for Monitoring
The figure above shows the symbol of the impedance source model in the Network Sources category of the HYPERSIM model library. This model has four pins:
Three-phase pin (+)
Single-phase neutral pin
This model has four pins:
Net_S: Three-phase pin (+), Network connector on the AC side. It supports a three-phase connection.
Net_Ns: Single-phase neutral pin, Network connector on the AC side. Neutral connector. It supports single-phase connection.
Eas: Internal voltage of the source, phase A (V)
Ebs: Internal voltage of the source, phase B (V)
Ecs: Internal voltage of the source, phase C (V)
Ias: Measured current, phase A (A)
Ibs: Measured current, phase B (A)
Ics: Measured current, phase C (A)
Ps: Active power (W)
Qs: Reactive power (VAr).
OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | | +1 514-935-2323
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