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Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine Models Comparison

Refer to the PMSM BLDC Section and PMSM SH Section pages for information related to configuring these models in the Add-On.


Variable DQ (VDQ)

Spatial Harmonics(SH)


Variable DQ (VDQ)

Spatial Harmonics(SH)


Constant Ld/Lq

Variable Ld/Lq




2 phase equivalent circuit model with a d-q rotating reference frame and variable inductance table according to the operating point.

3 phase detailed model with 3D table for flux, torque and inductance.


  • Fast execution: ~ 100 ns

  • Low FPGA resource usage

  • Variable Ld – Lq

  • Good for most operating condition

  • Simulation of spatial/current harmonics

  • FEA based models

  • Mechanical model on FPGA


  • No simulation of current harmonics.

  • Slower execution: ~ 500 ns

  • High FPGA resource usage

Minimum time step

100 ns

500 ns

Electrical machine parameters

Constant Ld, Lq and magnet flux.

2D tables for Ld, Lq and magnet flux Id and Iq are dependent.

3D tables for phase inductance, magnet flux and torque tables Id Iq and θ are dependent.

Mechanical model

Basic inertia and friction mechanical model attached to the rotor. Users can define their own model on CPU or through customizing the FPGA

Compatibility with JMAG


JMAG v10.5+

Compatibility with ANSYS


ANSYS Maxwell 2016.1+

Inductance / torque / flux table size


  • 128x128 for 2 machines

  • 32x16x16 samples for 2 machines

  • 32x32x16 samples for 1 machine

  • 32x32x32 samples for 2 machines

  • 64x32x32 samples for 1 machine

Compatible Hardware Configurations


OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | | +1 514-935-2323