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The PMSM BLDC model implements three machine types which provide parametrization for different machines (Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine and Brushless DC Motor) and allow for different levels of model fidelity (Constant or Variable parametrization): PMSM Constant Ld/Lq, PMSM Variable Ld/Lq, and BLDC Constant Ls. The PMSM Constant Ld/Lq and BLDC Constant Ls machine types simulate a machine with constant inductance and magnetic flux parameters. The PMSM Variable Ld/Lq machine type simulates a PMSM whose inductance and magnetic flux parameters are variable based on the operating state of the simulation (in this case, based on Id and Iq), which allows for greater model fidelity.
Page Content
Configuration Page
In the System Explorer window configuration tree, expand the Power Electronics Add-On custom device and select Circuit Model >> PMSM BLDC to display this page and configure the PMSM BLDC machine model. Parameters are configurable at edit-time only.
General Parameters
The following parameters are available for any selected Machine Type.
Machine Model Settings | |
Name | Specifies the name of the machine model. |
Description | Specifies a description for the machine model. |
Machine Configuration | |
Machine Type | Choose from one of the following types. Certain machine configuration parameters and channels automatically populate depending on the selected Machine Type.
Input Mapping Configuration | |
Use the Input Mapping Configuration to route signals to the Voltage Phase A, Voltage Phase B, and Voltage Phase C inputs of the machine model. Available routing options may vary depending on the selected Hardware Configuration. | |
Group | Specifies the group that will be routed to the input voltages of the machine. The available routing options are defined by the selected Hardware Configuration, however it is typical to see the following options by default:
Element | Specifies the index of the measurement in the group that has been selected as the input voltage of the machine. |
Machine-Specific Parameters
Certain parameters of the PMSM BLDC page are populated based on the selected Machine Type.
Section Channels
The list of available channels in the PMSM BLDC section depends on the selected Machine Type. Channels listed under the General Channels header below are available for all machine types, while certain advanced channels are available for the PMSM Variable Ld/Lq only. Channel values can be modified dynamically at execution time.
Model Description
Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines are common electrical machines in the the automotive and transportation industry. The PMSM is usually chosen because of its excellent power density (produced power over size or weight) or its capability to reach higher speed than other machine types. However, controlling a PMSM is usually more challenging when compared to other machine types. Since it is a synchronous machine, the controller must be aware of the rotor position at all times in order to properly control the torque. In addition, there is a chance of de-fluxing the magnet if the control is not stable, which would lead to a modification of the machine properties.
The following figures illustrate the equivalent circuits of the PMSM machine model in the abc frame and in the dq frame.
General Equation
The equation of the PMSM model can be expressed as follows:
(1) |
where Labc is the time-varying inductance matrix (global inductance for Constant Ld/Lq and Variable Ld/Lq models), Iabc is the stator current inside the winding, Rabc are the stator resistances and Vabc is the voltage across the stator windings. ψabc defines the magnet flux linked into the stator windings.
Electrical Angle
The electrical angle is expressed as follows:
(2) |
Reference Frame Transformation
A Park-Clarke transformation, described below, is applied to the three-phase (abc) signals to obtain a direct-quadrature (dq) rotating reference frame locked to the Electrical Angle, θe. An offset may be applied to the transform angle using the DQ Transform Angle Offset parameter, θoffset.
(3) |
(4) |
The transformation reduces sinusoidal varying quantities of inductances, flux, current, and voltage to constant values in the dq frame, thus greatly facilitating the analysis and control of the device under study.
It is important to note that there are many different types of transforms and this often leads to confusion when interpreting the machine states in the dq frame. The one used here, which is typically standard in Japan, presents the advantage of being orthonormal (notice the factor). This particular orthonormal transform is power-invariant, meaning that the power computed in the dq frame by performing a dot product of currents and voltages is equivalent to the one computed in the three-phase domain, namely:
(5) |
The principle of the reference frame transformation is illustrated in Figure 2. Consider a fixed, three-phase reference frame abc with all machine quantities rotating at the electric frequency ω. If we observe these quantities in a dq frame rotating at the same speed, the quantities will remain constant. In this figure, the angle θ represents the angular position of the rotating frame, whose d-axis is aligned with Phase A at t = 0. This indicates that the DQ Transform Angle Offset is 0°. The back-EMF voltage Vbemf directly follows the q-axis because the magnet flux is aligned with the d-axis by definition. The machine current I leads Vbemf and the q-axis by an angle called β.
For the transform described in (3)and , the Electromagnetic Torque can be expressed by , where pp is the number of Pole Pairs and is the partial derivative of the instantaneous permanent magnet flux.
If the back EMF of the machine is sinusoidal, as is the default case for PMSM machines, the torque can be further simplified into .
Because this model uses the orthonormal abc to dq transform, and do not contain the factor typically present in other PMSM torque equations.
The instantaneous active and reactive power, P and Q, are calculated in the model as follows:
where Va, Vb, and Vc are the instantaneous stator voltages.
The results are processed through low-pass filters before being written to the Three-Phase Active Power and Three-Phase Reactive Power channels. The cutoff frequency of the filters is calculated as follows, where Ts is the machine timestep. If the machine timestep is 120ns, for instance, the cutoff frequency is 133Hz.
DQ Voltage
Because the Reference Frame Transformation is power invariant, the values of P and Q calculated in the phase domain are equivalent to those calculated in the dq frame, as summarized in equation . As a result, we can use the set of equations below to approximate the Direct Axis Stator Voltage and Quadrature Axis Stator Voltage. Unlike the other machine quantities, which are computed as part of the machine model on the FPGA, the calculations for Vd and Vq are performed on the Real Time CPU.
Back-EMF Characteristics
The default shape of the back EMF voltage of the machine is dependent upon the selected Machine Type. Both the PMSM Constant Ld/Lq and the PMSM Variable Ld/Lq generate a sinusoidal back EMF by default, while the BLDC Constant Ls generates a trapezoidal signal. The back EMF profile shape of all three machine types can also be customized by setting Back EMF Profile to User-Defined and specifying a Back EMF File [JSON] file.
In the case of the BLDC Constant Ls, the default trapezoidal back EMF shape is constructed from a cosine table as described in the equation below, where λm is the Permanent Magnet Flux Linkage and H is the Back EMF Flat Area in degrees.
OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | | +1 514-935-2323
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