Machine Sensors

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Machine Sensors

This example demonstrates the behavior of the Resolver, Quadrature Encoder, and Hall Effect Sensor models, as well as the effects of their configuration parameters on each of their output signals. Each sensor’s corresponding machine model is rotated to generate the sensor output signals, which are displayed directly in VeriStand. In a typical Hardware-in-the-Loop application, these sensor output signals would be mapped to Digital and Analog Output channels to communicate with external hardware.

The example is available as two separate VeriStand projects, one providing support for the PXIe-7868R FPGA card and the other for the PXIe-7891 FPGA card. Both projects demonstrate the same concepts and behave almost identically.

Example Directory

<Public Documents>\National Instruments\<NI VeriStand 20xx>\Examples\OPAL-RT\Power Electronics Add-On\Machine Sensors

Project Path

<Machine Sensors>\Project\<NI PXIe-XXXX>\Machine Sensors.nivsprj

Reference Documentation

Encoder and Hall Effect Sensor


Opening and Deploying the Example

  1. To avoid modifying the original example, make a local copy of the Example Directory shown above.

  2. Open VeriStand and Browse to the VeriStand Project (.nivsprj) file at the Project Path in the copied directory.

  3. Click Configure... to open the System Definition file.

  4. Enter the IP Address of the Real Time target in the Controller page.

  5. If permissions are configured on the Real Time target, enter the credentials in the Username and Password fields.

  6. Save and close the System Definition file.

  7. Click Operate >> Deploy.

Open the VeriStand Screen (.nivsscr) files and manipulate the parameters in the blue boxes to observe the resulting output signals. The configuration information displayed in grey is for informational purposes only; these parameters can only be modified from the System Definition file while the project is undeployed.


Open Resolver.nivsscr and set a slow Machine Speed, such as 10 RPM. Observe the generated Sine and Cosine output signals, as well as their relationship to the Resolver Angle.

Modify the Resolver Angle Conditioning and Resolver Gain parameters to observe their effects on the Resolver Angle and on the Resolver Output Signals.

In this example, the excitation for the resolver is provided by an internal carrier with a frequency of 10Hz. The Excitation Frequency, as well as the other Internal Carrier Configuration parameters shown in the grey box, can be modified in the System Definition file when the project is undeployed.

The Sine and Cosine outputs are computed as shown in the equations below. Refer to the Resolver page for in-depth information about each parameter and for a description of the Resolver model.

Resolver Screen with its available parameters


Open Encoder.nivsscr and set a slow Machine Speed, such as 10 RPM. Observe the generated A, B and Z output signals, as well as their relationship to the Machine Angle.

Observe the Encoder Configuration parameters shown in the grey box. These parameters can be modified in the System Definition file when the project is undeployed.

Refer to the Encoder page for in-depth information about each parameter and for a description of the Quadrature Encoder model.

Encoder Screen with its available parameters


Hall Effect Sensor

Open Hall Effect Sensor.nivsscr and set a slow Machine Speed, such as 10 RPM. Observe the generated A, B and C output signals, as well as their relationship to the Machine Angle.

Observe the Hall Effect Sensor Configuration parameters shown in the grey box. These parameters can be modified in the System Definition file when the project is undeployed.

Refer to the Encoder page for in-depth information about each parameter and for a description of the Hall Effect Sensor model. Note that the Hall Effect Sensor is a mode of the Encoder model. It is available in all machine models except the IM SM model.

Hall Effect Sensor Screen with its available parameters


OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | opal-rt.com | +1 514-935-2323
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