Configuring the Modules

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Configuring the Modules

From the TestDrive Interface, it is possible to configure the modules. Each module has its own configuration dialog box. To open one of the module configuration dialog boxes, select the Config tab on the TestDrive Interface, and click the appropriate module button. You can also load a module configuration dialog box by selecting Tools > Configure Modules. The dialog box is displayed on

top of the TestDrive Interface.

Base Module Dialog Box

The Base Module Configuration dialog box contains the moded power outputs bits setting of the base module.

The Rail Enable Active State radio buttons allow users to select whether the rail enable active state is high or low.

The CAN bus termination can be set with the three Termination buttons Each column of Bit checkboxes is associated with a power rail. Each row

represents the bit setting of a mode. When a checkbox is checked, the bit is set to 1, activating the related power rail of the associated mode.

Each of the Rail Enable Designator checkboxes is associated with a power rail. When a checkbox is checked, it designates a rail, i.e., it allows the associated rail to be enabled when a mode is selected.

Each Value display field displays the value for the current bit setting of the associated mode.

Switch Module Dialog Box

The Switch Module Configuration dialog box contains all the settings for the switches of the module: the configuration of each switch, the power rail used for the rotary switches and for each of the flexible switches can be set there.

Each of the Configuration option buttons allows the user to select the associated switch configuration.

The Power Rail option buttons allow selecting to which of the rail's power source the switches short a signal to. Note that there is a Power Rail option button for each of the flexible switches but only one for all the rotary switches and one for all the discrete switches.

Reference Pulse Generator Module Dialog Box

The Reference Pulse Generator Module Configuration dialog box allows you to modify the RPG module's outputs.

The RPG Module Configuration dialog box allows the user to select the RPG configuration file, which contains the output patterns. The dialog box also allows the user to choose or view each of the configurable output's type.

Pulsed Output Module Dialog Box

The Pulsed Output Module Configuration dialog box allows you to modify the Pulsed Output Module's outputs.

Pulse Driven Load Module Dialog Box

The Pulse Driven Load Module Configuration dialog box allows you to modify the Pulse Driven Load Module's inputs.

Resistive Sensor Module Dialog Box

The Resistive Sensor Module Configuration dialog box allows you to modify the Resistive Sensor Module's outputs.

Analog Sensor Module Dialog Box

The Analog Sensor Module Configuration dialog box allows you to modify the Analog Sensor Module's outputs.

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