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Disconnect two paths of each other, if it is a list of paths, it disconnects paths with the same index in the tuple.

Required Control


RtLabApi.DeleteConnection(paths1, paths2, continueOnFailure)
paths1 = a string or tuple of strings
paths2 = a string or tuple of strings
continueOnFailure = bool

  • paths1 and paths2: 

Each path element can be:
- A path to a signal or parameter in the model (ie. 'rtdemo1/sm_computation/Gain Kd/Gain')
- A path to a widget in a LabVIEW panel (ie. 'PID Controller/Reference')
- A path to a Waveform Graph in a LabVIEW panel on wanted plot (ie. 'PID Controller/Waveform Graph[0]')
- A path to an input or output of an I/Os (ie. 'Signal Generator/Sine Waves/Sine Wave 1/Output')
- An alias (ie. 'NameOfMyAlias')

  • continueOnFailure: If set to false, stops execution if any disconnection fails, otherwise it ignores the failure and tries the next pair of path, if any.



  • EOK: success.
  • EINVAL: Invalid arguments specified.
ExamplesRtlabApi.DeleteConnection('rtdemo1/sm_computation/Gain Kd/Gain', 'Controller/Waveform Graph[0]')
Related ItemsCreateConnection
Modulesimport RtlabApi
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