All switch blocks of a model, such as breakers and IGBT, can be driven by digital input channels.
To assign a digital input to a switch block:
- Hover over the port of the desired switch block. When the mouse is over the port, the pointer changes to a hand.
- Click the port.
- Click the block to open the Parameters sidebar.
- Then, click the arrow of the gate parameter to open the Deep Panel of the desired parameter.
- The Deep Panel is where to find the list of connections.
- For most blocks, you will already have a connection to Simulink, added by default when dropping the block onto the diagram.
- This means that the block is driven by Simulink or HYPERSIM.
- Click the + card to add a new connection.
- Next, click the Digital Input button to add a new digital input to the block.
- The source pin, along with the polarity, can be edited once the new connection card shows up.
- Note that two connections can have the same digital input, as below. If you do so, be careful with the polarity of each switch.
To remove a connection:
- Open the Deep Panel to display the connections of a parameter.
- Hover over the card of the connection to be removed. A Delete icon appears.
- Click the icon to remove the connection.
To select the Polarity of a digital input channel:
In digital circuits, when a signal is:
- Active low, this means that the signal will be performing its function when its logic level is 0.
- Active high, this means that the signal will be performing its function when its logic level is 1.
The user can change the polarity of the digital input channels.
- HIGH indicates that the switch is active when a low voltage is provided to the physical pin.
- LOW indicates that the switch is open when a low voltage is provided to the physical pin.