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Here we describe the installation of ARTEMiS components on a Windows machine.

Installing ARTEMiS onto your Host Computer

  • To install the latest ARTEMiS version, visit the OPAL-RT website
  • Go to the Download Center page and download the latest RT-LAB mega installer which contains all required OPAL-RT products
  • Before starting the installation, make sure that no MATLAB instance is running on your computer
  • Install the desired products from the mega installer

Installing the License File

Since RT-LAB 10.5 and later, each target must be activated with a valid license to run a simulation. The license file used to activate Opal-RT products is unique for all purchased products. If the license is already installed with RT-LAB on the target systems, this section can be skipped.

Before activating a target, you should ensure that your systems (host + target) are correctly configured by following these prerequisites:


  • RT-LAB must be installed on the host computer. 
  • Each target must be available in RT-LAB. 
  • RT-LAB must be installed on each target.
  • Consult the RT-LAB Installation guide

Step 1: Request a License

  • Open the target (double click), select the License tab then click Request to open a wizard to guide you through the license request process.

  • Fill in the license request form then click Next.

License Activation

Verify the request information and then click Finish to complete the process. The request is automatically sent.

When complete, you will receive this confirmation message:

If your host is not connected to the Internet or if a problem occurred, the wizard prompts you to save the request file and send it by email to our support team via

Note: You can request licenses for more than one target from the RT-LAB menu Help > Request a license.

Important Notes about Licenses in RT-LAB 10.5x+:

  • The license is now a binary file (.bin) instead of a ".lic" file.
  • The license check is made at load only. Users can open RT-LAB, edit and compile their models with no license.
  • The license resides only on the target computer. RT-LAB 10.5.x+ can be installed with no license on an infinite number of host computers. For Windows-target users, the license is filed in C:\OPAL-RT\LicServer.
  • The RT-LAB 10.5.x+ license server is independent of the license server of RT-LAB 10.4.x and previous versions. Both license systems can cohabitate and be functional on the same hosts/targets.
  • The RT-LAB 10.5.x+ license server is independent of Acresso's FLEXlm software previously used for license management. It is now purely an Opal-RT Technologies solution.

Installation of Target Components

The Windows installation contains all target components required to run real-time models on Windows and RedHat target nodes. No installation is required for target components, they are automatically transferred to the target nodes during models compilation.

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