Mechanical Model Configuration Page
In the System Explorer window configuration tree, expand the Power Electronics Add-On custom device and select Circuit Model >> IM with Saturation >> Mechanical Model to display this page. Use this page to configure the Induction Machine Mechanical model.
This page includes the following components, configurable at edit-time only: Mechanical Model Name Specifies the name of the model. Description Specifies a description for the model. Configuration Symbol Units Default Description Viscous Damping Fv Nm·s/rad 0.006 Combined viscous damping of the rotor and load, proportional to the angular velocity of the machine. Static Friction Tf Nm 0 Static friction resisting initial rotation when the machine is at rest. Inertia J Kg·m2 0.05 Moment of inertia of the rotor and load. This section includes the following custom device channels. The value of an input channel can be modified dynamically at execution time. Channel Name Symbol Type Units Default Value Description Mechanical Model Mode Input 0 (Speed Controlled) Set this channel to one of the following values: 0 - Sets the mechanical model to Speed Controlled mode. The mechanical parameters are ignored in this case. 1 - Sets the mechanical model to Torque Controlled mode. See the Mechanical Model Description section for more information. User-Defined Speed ωuser Input RPM 0 Forces the speed of the machine to the defined value. This parameter is used in Speed Controlled mode, and ignored in Torque Controlled mode. Load Torque TL Input Nm 0 Torque applied to the shaft of the machine. This parameter is used in Torque Controlled mode, and ignored in Speed Controlled mode. Speed ωm Output RPM 0 Rotational speed of the machine rotor in RPM. Angle θm Output deg 0 Mechanical rotor position. If this signal is routed to a Waveform Channel or an Analog Output Channel, its value is expressed in Turns. The signal ranges in value from 0 to 1, with 1 representing a full rotation. Torque Te Output Nm 0 Electromagnetic torque measured at the rotor. Attached to the machine model's shaft is a basic mechanical model. This model was chosen due to its common application, and the ability to extend its functionality. The behavior of the model varies depending upon whether the Mechanical Model Mode is set to Torque Controlled (1) or Speed Controlled (0). When the Mechanical Model Mode is set to Torque Controlled (1), the equation of the mechanical model can be expressed as follows: where There is a dead-zone implementation with the static friction torque; if the Electromagnetic Torque (Te) does not exceed the Static Friction (Tf) torque, the speed remains at zero. Note that in equation (1), the value of the mechanical speed (ωm) is in radians per second, while the output of the Mechanical Speed channel is in RPM. The equation for the Electromagnetic Torque (Te) of the machine can be found on its description page under the Machine Section. When the Mechanical Model Mode is set to Speed Controlled (0), the mechanical parameters (Viscous Damping, Static Friction, Inertia) are ignored. Instead, the rotor speed is directly set using the User-Defined Speed parameter, ωuser. Select Speed Controlled mode if: Your project requires you to manually set the speed of the machine Your project has a mechanical model that requires you to input the speed of the machine in to the model Select Torque Controlled mode if: Your project requires you to manually set the load torque of the machine Your project has a mechanical model that requires you to input the load toque of the machine in to the modelMechanical Model Section Channels
Mechanical Model Description
Torque Controlled
Speed Controlled
Choosing a Mechanical Model Mode