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Currently the following RAW file data sections are supported by ePHASORSIM:

Note: Not all data items for each record are read and there are restrictions on some. This section presents the data items for each record which are read from the RAW file along with the range of acceptable values.


  • The power system’s base power and nominal frequency are read from the RAW file.
  • Buses with type 4 will not be imported.
  • From version 2020.2; in all the supported sections in the RAW file, all the components with Status 0 or 1 are imported to be presented in the Solver. Note that in the previous versions only components with Status=1 were being imported, except for Generator Data. This new functionality provides the flexibility to the user to change the Status of out-of-service components during real-time simulation. However, be advised this can have an impact on run-time performance and memory usage for large-scale systems if there exist several components with Status=0 in the RAW file whose Status is not going to change during the simulation. For these cases, it is recommended to remove them from the RAW file.
  • In the case of incorporating FMUs, the initial status of the corresponding component in the RAW file must be '1', otherwise, the data will not be imported.

Bus Data

The table below shows the list of required fields and their acceptable values imported from Bus data section of the RAW file.

EntryDescriptionAcceptable values
IBus Number1-999999
‘NAME’Bus IdentifierAny alpha-numerical string with up to 12 characters
BASEKVBus base voltageAny value
IDEBus type code (only for power-flow study)1, 2, or 3
VMBus voltage magnitude (p.u.)Any value
VABus voltage phase angle (degree)

Load Data

The table below shows the list of required fields and their acceptable values imported from Load data section of the RAW file.

EntryDescriptionAcceptable values
IBus Number1-999999
IDLoad IdentifierOne- or two-character uppercase non-blank alphanumeric load identifier
STATUSLoad Status1: in-service, 0: out of service.
PLActive power component of constant MVA load (MW)For each type either P or Q must be non-zero to import the corresponding load model
QLReactive power component of constant MVA load (MVAr)
IPActive power component of constant current load (MW)
IQReactive power component of constant current load (MVAr)
YPActive power component of constant admittance load (MW)
YQReactive power component of constant admittance load (MVAr)

Note: Loads with all zero values for PL, QL, IP, IQ, YP and YQ are ignored and not imported into the .opal file.

Fixed Shunt Data

The table below shows the list of required fields and their acceptable values imported from Fixed shunt data section of the RAW file.

EntryDescriptionAcceptable values
IBus Number1-999999
IDShunt IdentifierOne- or two-character uppercase non-blank alphanumeric shunt identifier
STATUSShunt Status1: in-service, 0: out of service.
GLActive component of shunt admit­tance to ground (MW)Any value
BLReactive component of shunt admit­tance to ground (MVAr)

Switched Shunt Data

The table below shows the list of required fields and their acceptable values imported from Switched shunt data section of the RAW file.

EntryDescriptionAcceptable values
IBus Number1-999999
MODSWControl Mode0 (locked)
STATSwitched shunt Status1: in-service, 0: out of service.
BINITInitial switched shunt admittance (MVAr at unity voltage)Any value

Generator Data

The table below shows the list of required fields and their acceptable values imported from Generator data section of the RAW file.

EntryDescriptionAcceptable values
IBus Number1-999999
IDGenerator IdentifierOne- or two-character uppercase non-blank alphanumeric generator identifier
PGGenerator active power output (MW)Greater than or equal to 0
QGGenerator reactive power output (MVAr)Any value
QTMaximum generator reactive power output (MVAr)
QBMinimum generator reactive power output (MVAr)
MBASEMachine MVA base
ZRMachine resistance (p.u. on MBASE base)
ZXMachine reactance(p.u. on MBASE base)
STATGenerator Status1: in-service, 0: out of service

Note: For machine types GENROU, GENROE, GENSAL, GENSAE and CIMTR3-double cage, reactance value is replaced by sub-transient reactances from the *.dyr file.

Non-Transformer Branch Data

The table below shows the list of required fields and their acceptable values imported from Branch data section of the RAW file.



Acceptable values


Branch from bus number



Branch to bus number


Branch circuit identifier

One- or two-character uppercase non-blank alphanumeric branch circuit identi­fier


Branch resistance (p.u.)

Greater than or equal to 0


Branch reactance (p.u.)

Any value


Total branch charging susceptance (p.u.)


Branch Status

1: in-service, 0: out of service.

Transformer Data

ePHASORSIM supports both 2-winding and 3-winding transformers. The table below shows the list of required fields and their acceptable values imported from Transformer data section of the RAW file.



Acceptable values


Winding 1 bus number



Winding 2 bus number


Winding 3 bus number


Branch circuit identifier

One- or two-character uppercase non-blank alphanumeric branch circuit identifier


The winding data I/O code defines the units in which the turns ratios are specified



The impedance data I/O code defines the units in which the winding impedances are specified


The magnetizing admittance I/O code defines the units in which are specified


Magnetizing conductance and sus­ceptance respectively (for CW=1, p.u. on system MVA and winding 1 bus voltage base)

Any value


Transformer Status

1: in-service, 0: out of service.

R1-2, R3-1, R2-3

Measured resistance between wind­ings 1-2, 3-1 and 2-3 respectively (for CZ=1, p.u. on system MVA and winding voltage base)

Any value

X1-2, X3-1, X2-3

Measured reactance between wind­ings 1-2, 3-1 and 2-3 respectively (for CZ=1, p.u. on system MVA and winding voltage base)


For CW=1, winding 1, 2 and 3 off-nominal turn ratio in p.u.


Winding 1, 2 and 3 phase shift (degree)

-180 to +180

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