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This block defines some of the parameters of voltage source converter (VSC) which can be adjusted during real time simulation. This block is usually put in the console subsystem and its output is connected to the input of the VSC Configuration Block. The VSC model can simulate a multi-stage multi-phase converter containing multiple two-level half-bridge (HF), full-bridge (FB) converters, three-level clamp double (CD), T-type (T-) and neutral point clamped (NPC) converters, and/or dual active bridges (DABs). 

Mask and Parameters

NameDescriptionUnitVariable = {Possible Values}
SM type of group 1

The VSC model simulate a multi-stage converter contains up to three groups converter units. The units in each group are of the same converter type. The supported types are Half-bridge, Full-bridge, Clamp double, T-type, and neutral point clamped.

This parameter sets the type for the first group of converter units.

number of SM in group 1Defines the number of converter units in group 1

SM type of group 2The VSC model simulate a multi-stage converter contains up to three groups converter units. The units in each group are of the same converter type. The supported types are Half-bridge, Full-bridge, Clamp double, T-type, and neutral point clamped.
This parameter sets the type for the second group of converter units.

number of SM in group 2Defines the number of converter units in group 2

SM type of group 3The VSC model simulate a multi-stage converter contains up to three groups converter units. The units in each group are of the same converter type. The supported types are Half-bridge, Full-bridge, Clamp double, T-type, and neutral point clamped.
This parameter sets the type for the third group of converter units.

number of SM in group 3Defines the number of converter units in group 3

IGBT/diode forward voltageDefines the forward voltageV
permanent Cap SC faultOnce checked, the capacitor is supposed to be damaged during short circuit fault and its voltage keeps 0.

Note: The total number of SM of the three groups should be less than the parameter of "number of SM" set in VSC Configuration Block.

NameDescriptionUnitVariable = {Possible Values}
shunt resistance factor

User can change the capacitor discharge resistor value in the converter during real time simulation by adjust this parameter. The actual resistance value is the resistance value defined in VSC Configuration Block multiplied by this factor.

capacitance factorUser can change the capacitor value in the converter during real time simulation by adjust this parameter. The actual capacitance value is the capacitance value defined in VSC Configuration Block multiplied by the capacitance factor.

Vcap mode

normal operation: works as a capacitor

Vcap reset to 0: the capacitor voltage is reset to 0

Vcap set to fixed value: the capacitor voltage is fixed

Vcap fix value (SI)Define the capacitor voltage if "Vcap set to fixed value" in Vcap mode is selected

NameDescriptionUnitVariable = {Possible Values}
DAB inductor factor

User can change the inductor value in the DAB circuits during real time simulation by adjust this parameter. The actual inductance value is the inductance value defined in VSC Configuration Block multiplied by this factor.

DAB resistor factorUser can change the series resistor value in the DAB circuits during real time simulation by adjust this parameter. The actual resistance value is the resistance value defined in VSC Configuration Block multiplied by this factor.

Inputs, Outputs and Signals Available for Monitoring




outvalve configuration signals, which is connected to VSC Configuration Block in real time subsystems.




The total number of SM of the three groups should be equal to or less than the parameter of "number of SM" set in VSC Configuration Block. 



See Also

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