GeneralAnchor id1 id1
closeHyperWorks():Anchor id2 id2
closeLibrary(libraryPath):Anchor id3 id3
connectToHyWorks(host=socket.gethostname(), register=getpass.getuser(), timeout=120000, id=None):Anchor id4 id4
disableHyWorksApiExceptions():Anchor id5 id5
enableHyWorksApiExceptions():Anchor id6 id6
getCurrentDesign():Anchor id7 id7
getProperties():Anchor id8 id8
getProperty(key):Anchor id9 id9
getVersion(long=False) :Anchor id10 id10
openLibrary(libraryPath, visible=True):Anchor id11 id11
setProperty(key, value, save=False):Anchor id11id12id11 id12
startAndConnectHypersim(host=socket.gethostname(), register=getpass.getuser(), stdout=None, stderr=None:Anchor id12id13id12 id13
startHyperWorks(stdout=None, stderr=None):Anchor id13id14id13 id14
DesignAnchor id14id15id14 id15
closeDesign(designPath):Anchor id15id16id15 id16
disconnectDesign(designPath):Anchor id16id17id16 id17
findMinimalStepSize(timeout, overrunsThreshold: int, nCores=100, startingTimeStep=1e-6, jump=1e-6):Anchor id17id18id17 id18
getAllComponentDescriptions():Anchor id18id19id18 id19
getAllComponentParameters(compName):Anchor id19id20id19 id20
getAllComponentSensors(compName):Anchor id20id21id20 id21
getAllDevicesNames():Anchor id21id22id21 id22
getDesignPrefs():Anchor id22id23id22 id23
importEDD(eddFilePath, doConnections):Anchor id23id24id23 id24
importPSCAD(filePath, onlyDll, removeNotConnectedBuses=False):Anchor id24id25id24 id25
importPSSE(filePath, replaceMachines=False, groupMachinesWithControls=True):Anchor id25id26id25 id26
importPowerFactory(filePath, mode=0):Anchor id26id27id26 id27
newDesign(designFilePath=None):Anchor id27id28id27 id28
openDesign(designPath):Anchor id28id29id28 id29
recheckPorts():Anchor id29id30id29 id30
saveDesign():Anchor id30id31id30 id31
saveDesignAs(fileName):Anchor id31id32id31 id32
updateEDD(eddFilePath, doConnections):Anchor id32id33id32 id33
DeviceAnchor id33id34id33 id34
activateObservables(deviceName, observables):Anchor id34id35id34 id35
addBus1ph(signalName, points, hitCheck=False, subcircuit=None):Anchor id35id36id35 id36
addBus3ph(signalName, points, hitCheck=False, subcircuit=None):Anchor id36id37id36 id37
addControlSignal(signalName, points, hitCheck=False, subcircuit=None):Anchor id37id38id37 id38
addDevice(libName, blocName, coordX=0, coordY=0, page=1, subcircuit=None, name=None):Anchor id38id39id38 id39
addPinsToDevice(name, cardinalPoint, function, pins, redraw=False):Anchor id39id40id39 id40
connectBundleToBundle(blocA, signalListA, blocB, signalListB):Anchor id40id41id40 id41
connectDeviceToBus1ph(deviceName, pinName, signalName):Anchor id41id42id41 id42
connectDeviceToBus3ph(deviceName, pinName, signalName):Anchor id42id43id42 id43
connectDeviceToControlSignal(deviceName, pinName, signalName):Anchor id43id44id43 id44
connectDevices(blocA, pinA, blocB, pinB, isThreePhaseAndPowerFlexible, signalName=None):Anchor id44id45id44 id45
connectPinToBundle(blocA, pinA, blocB, signalListB):Anchor id45id46id45 id46
createSubCircuit(name, subType, coordX=0, coordY=0, page=1):Anchor id46id47id46 id47
disconnectPin(deviceName, pinName, removeAllConnections=False):Anchor id47id48id47 id48
displayComponent(componentName, printAttributes=True, printSignals=True, printConnectors=True:Anchor id48id49id48 id49
displayConnections(componentName):Anchor id49id50id49 id50
flipHorizontallyDevice(deviceName, keepConnections=True):Anchor id50id51id50 id51
flipVerticallyDevice(deviceName, keepConnections=True):Anchor id51id52id51 id52
getComponentParameter(compName, compParam):Anchor id52id53id52 id53
getCoordinates(deviceName, pinName=None):Anchor id53id54id53 id54
getDeviceBundleChildPins(deviceName, pinName):Anchor id54id55id54 id55
getDeviceBundlePins(deviceName):Anchor id55id56id55 id56
getDevicePinTypes(deviceName: str, pinNames: list):Anchor id56id57id56 id57
importUCM(defFilePath):Anchor id57id58id57 id58
includeDevice(deviceName, include):Anchor id58id59id58 id59
removeDevice(deviceName):Anchor id59id60id59 id60
renameDevice(oldDeviceName, newDeviceName):Anchor id60id61id60 id61
renameSignal(oldName, newName, visible=True):Anchor id61id62id61 id62
rotateLeftDevice(deviceName, keepConnections=True):Anchor id62id63id62 id63
rotateRightDevice(deviceName, keepConnections=True):Anchor id63id64id63 id64
setComponentParameter(compName, compParam, value):Anchor id64id65id64 id65
setComponentParameters(compNames, compParams, values):Anchor id65id66id65 id66
setDeviceFillColor(name, colorHexRGB):Anchor id66id67id66 id67
setDeviceLineColor(name, colorHexRGB):Anchor id67id68id67 id68
setDevicesNameVisibility(deviceList, isVisible):Anchor id68id69id68 id69
setPinPhaseNumber(deviceName, pinName, value):Anchor id69id70id69 id70
setSignalLineColor(signalName, colorHexRGB):Anchor id70id71id70 id71
setSignalLineWidth(signalName, width):Anchor id71id72id71 id72
setSubcircuitScripts(compName, initialValues, rules, variablesToTransmit, evaluateOnly=False):Anchor id72id73id72 id73
unbindUCMFromLibrary(deviceName):Anchor id73id74id73 id74
updateUCM(deviceName, ucmPath=None):Anchor id74id75id74 id75
SensorAnchor id75id76id75 id76
editSensor(blocName, sensorName, IOType=None, IONumber=None, base=None, unit=None):Anchor id76id77id76 id77
getLastSensorValues(sensorNames):Anchor id77id78id77 id78
getSensorInfo(blocName, sensorName, key):Anchor id78id79id78 id79
getSensorsValues(sensorNames: List[str], timeLength, timeStart=0, acquisitionRate=Non:Anchor id79id80id79 id80
loadSensors(filePath):Anchor id80id81id80 id81
selectAllSensors(blocName):Anchor id81id82id81 id82
selectSensor(blocName, sensorName, selected=True):Anchor id82id83id82 id83
setSensorDataLogger(blocName, sensorName, record, groupName, trigger):Anchor id83id84id83 id84
setSensorDataPoint(blocName, sensorName, exchangerTag, dataPointName, dataPointIdx):Anchor id84id85id84 id85
SettingsAnchor id85id86id85 id86
analyze():Anchor id86id87id86 id87
buildTopology():Anchor id87id88id87 id88
clearCodeDir():Anchor id88id89id88 id89
genCode():Anchor id89id90id89 id90
getLoadFlowReport() :Anchor id90id91id90 id91
getPreference(prefName):Anchor id91id92id91 id92
mapTask():Anchor id92id93id92 id93
setPreference(prefName, value):Anchor id93id94id93 id94
setTarget(hostname, mode=None):Anchor id94id95id94 id95
startLoadFlow():Anchor id95id96id95 id96
SimulationAnchor id96id97id96 id97
getMonitoringAllValues():Anchor id97id98id97 id98
getMonitoringValue(monitorName):Anchor id98id99id98 id99
getPreparationTimings(modelPath: str = None) :Anchor id99id100id99 id100
getSimulationCoreTimings(modelPath: str = None) :Anchor id100id101id100 id101
getSimulationTime():Anchor id101id102id101 id102
getSimulationTimings(modelPath: str = None) :Anchor id102id103id102 id103
loadSnapshot():Anchor id103 id103
resetMonitoringloadSnapshot(cpuList):Anchor id104 id104
resetPerfIndicresetMonitoring(cpuList):Anchor id105 id105
resetTimingresetPerfIndic(cpuList):Anchor id106 id106
simtrigresetTiming(synccpuList):Anchor id107 id107
startMonitoringsimtrig(sync):Anchor id108 id108
startSimstartMonitoring():Anchor id109 id109
stopMonitoringstartSim():Anchor id110 id110
stopSimstopMonitoring():Anchor id111 id111
takeSnapshotstopSim():Anchor id112 id112 Anchor id113 id113
addTargetToManager(targetHostName):Anchor id114 id114
diagnosticTargetaddTargetToManager(targetHostName):Anchor id115 id115
getAllTargetsNamediagnosticTarget(targetHostName):Anchor id116 id116
getCurrentVersionOnTargetgetAllTargetsName(targetHostName):Anchor id117 id117
getInstalledVersionOnTargetgetCurrentVersionOnTarget(targetHostName):Anchor id118 id118
installHypersimOnTargetgetInstalledVersionOnTarget(targetHostName):Anchor id119 id119
isTargetReadyinstallHypersimOnTarget(targetHostName):Anchor id120 id120
removeTargetFromManagerisTargetReady(targetHostName):Anchor id121 id121
removeTargetFromManager(targetHostName):Anchor id122 id122
switchVersionOnTarget(targetHostName, switchToVersion):Anchor id123 id123
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.getProperty HyWorksApiGRPC.getProperty HyWorksApiGRPC.
(key)Get HYPERSIM property
Parameters: key (str) – property key
Returns: HYPERSIM property
Return type: str
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
getVersion(long=False) :
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.getVersion HyWorksApiGRPC.getVersion HyWorksApiGRPC.
(long=False)Get the current HYPERSIM version name
Parameters: long (bool) – Add ‘’ prefix, which is necessary for certain compatibility usage
Returns: HYPERSIM version
Return type: str
openLibrary(libraryPath, visible=True):
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.openLibrary HyWorksApiGRPC.openLibrary HyWorksApiGRPC.
(libraryPath, visible=True)opens a CLF library located at the specified ‘libraryPath’.
Parameters: libraryPath (str) – The path to the CLF library to be opened.
visible (bool) – (Optional) A boolean indicating whether the library should be opened in a visible state (default is True).
Returns: True if the library was successfully opened; False otherwise.
Return type: bool
setProperty(key, value, save=False):
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.setProperty HyWorksApiGRPC.setProperty HyWorksApiGRPC.
(key, value, save=False)Set HYPERSIM general property
Parameters: key (str) – property key
value (str) – property value
save (bool) – save preferences for the next session
Returns: error value
Return type: bool
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
HyWorksApi.setProperty(“hyworks.hysim.extraTimeout”, “1200000”)
HyWorksApi.setProperty(“hyworks.hysim.extraTimeout”, “1800000”, True)
startAndConnectHypersim(host=socket.gethostname(), register=getpass.getuser(), stdout=None, stderr=None:
startHyperWorks(stdout=None, stderr=None):
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.startHyperWorks HyWorksApiGRPC.startHyperWorks HyWorksApiGRPC.
(stdout=None, stderr=None)Start HYPERSIM
Parameters: stdout – standard output
stderr – standard error
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.closeDesign HyWorksApiGRPC.closeDesign HyWorksApiGRPC.
(designPath)Close design
Parameters: designPath (str) – path to the HYPERSIM model (.ecf)
Returns: error value
Return type: int
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.disconnectDesign HyWorksApiGRPC.disconnectDesign HyWorksApiGRPC.
(designPath)Disconnect HyWorksApi from the HYPERSIM model
Parameters: designPath (str) – path to the HYPERSIM model (.ecf)
Returns: error value
Return type: int
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
findMinimalStepSize(timeout, overrunsThreshold: int, nCores=100, startingTimeStep=1e-6, jump=1e-6):
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.findMinimalStepSize HyWorksApiGRPC.findMinimalStepSize HyWorksApiGRPC.
(timeout, overrunsThreshold: int, nCores=100, startingTimeStep=1e-6, jump=1e-6)Calculate Determines the smallest possible time step without overrun(s). It requires prior enable of Dashboards. This API function that prevents exceeding a specified number of overruns. This function requires Dashboards to be enabled beforehand. It attempts to start and stop a simulation without triggering the simulation in each iteration while staying within the overrun limit, ensuring the number of overruns does not reach the threshold. If the simulation stops completes before reaching the specified timeout value, the simulation time step is incremented by the given jump value. The minimal time step time is identified when the simulation does not time out during the attemptcompletes without timing out.
Parameters: Raises: AssertionError – timeout (float) – Maximum allowed simulation iteration time given in secondseconds.
overrunsThreshold (int) – Maximum accepted – The maximum number of overruns for an iteration
nCores (int) – Number of requested processors (Default: 100)
startingTimeStep (float) – Lowest time step starting value given in second (Default: 1 usec)
jump – Time step jump increment for the next run (Default: 1 usec)
jump – float
Returns: The minimal step size value in second or None on failure
Return type: int
per iteration that must not be reached, for example,
setting it to 1 means the program will iterate if the current simulation iteration experiences at least one overrun. Note that the threshold must be greater than 0. :type overrunsThreshold: int :param nCores: Number of processor cores to use (Default: 100). If the specified number exceeds available hardware cores, all available cores will be used. A value of 0 enables automatic core assignment. :type nCores: int :param startingTimeStep: Initial time step in seconds (Default: 1 microsecond) :type startingTimeStep: float :param jump: Increment for the time step in seconds (Default: 1 microsecond) :type jump: float :return: The minimal time step in seconds, or None if unsuccessful :rtype: float :raises AssertionError: raises exception on error
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.getAllComponentDescriptions HyWorksApiGRPC.getAllComponentDescriptions HyWorksApiGRPC.
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.getAllComponentParameters HyWorksApiGRPC.getAllComponentParameters HyWorksApiGRPC.
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.getAllComponentSensors HyWorksApiGRPC.getAllComponentSensors HyWorksApiGRPC.
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.getAllDevicesNames HyWorksApiGRPC.getAllDevicesNames HyWorksApiGRPC.
()Gets the list of all devices names
Returns: the list of all visible devices
Return type: list
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
Info This call requires an analyze call before to function properly
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.getDesignPrefs HyWorksApiGRPC.getDesignPrefs HyWorksApiGRPC.
()Get current model preferences
Returns: model preferences
Return type: str
importEDD(eddFilePath, doConnections):
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.importEDD HyWorksApiGRPC.importEDD HyWorksApiGRPC.
(eddFilePath, doConnections)Import EDD to current HYPERSIM model
Parameters: eddFilePath (str) – path to EDD (.edd)
doConnections (bool) – connect imported devices
Returns: error value
Return type: int
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
importPSCAD(filePath, onlyDll, removeNotConnectedBuses=False):
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.importPSCAD HyWorksApiGRPC.importPSCAD HyWorksApiGRPC.
(filePath, onlyDll, removeNotConnectedBuses=False)
importPSSE(filePath, replaceMachines=False, groupMachinesWithControls=True):
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.importPSSE HyWorksApiGRPC.importPSSE HyWorksApiGRPC.
(filePath, replaceMachines=False, groupMachinesWithControls=True)
importPowerFactory(filePath, mode=0):
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.importPowerFactory HyWorksApiGRPC.importPowerFactory HyWorksApiGRPC.
(filePath, mode=0)Import PowerFactory
Parameters: filePath (str) – path to PowerFactory file (.xml)
mode (int) – select switch import mode (Default: 0): 0 (All switches are removed), 1 (All switches are added), 2 (Only switches with events are added)
Returns: error value
Return type: int
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.newDesign HyWorksApiGRPC.newDesign HyWorksApiGRPC.
(designFilePath=None)Create new HYPERSIM model
Parameters: designFilePath (str) – path to the HYPERSIM model (.ecf)
Returns: error value
Return type: int
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.openDesign HyWorksApiGRPC.openDesign HyWorksApiGRPC.
(designPath)Open HYPERSIM model
Parameters: designPath (str) – path to HYPERSIM model (.ecf)
Returns: error value
Return type: int
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.recheckPorts HyWorksApiGRPC.recheckPorts HyWorksApiGRPC.
()Check connections by page connectors Recommended after build circuits involving page connectors via API
Returns: error value
Return type: int
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.saveDesign HyWorksApiGRPC.saveDesign HyWorksApiGRPC.
()Save current HYPERSIM model
Returns: error value
Return type: int
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.saveDesignAs HyWorksApiGRPC.saveDesignAs HyWorksApiGRPC.
(fileName)Save current HYPERSIM model
Parameters: fileName (str) – desired model path
Returns: error value
Return type: int
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
updateEDD(eddFilePath, doConnections):
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.updateEDD HyWorksApiGRPC.updateEDD HyWorksApiGRPC.
(eddFilePath, doConnections)Update EDD
Parameters: eddFilePath (str) – path to EDD (.edd)
doConnections (bool) – connect imported devices
Returns: error value
Return type: int
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
activateObservables(deviceName, observables):
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.activateObservables HyWorksApiGRPC.activateObservables HyWorksApiGRPC.
(deviceName, observables)Activate a list of observable pins on the device
Parameters: deviceName (str) – name of the first device
observables (list[str]) – list of observable names. If list is empty, all observables are removed. Note that it does not append, but is the final list of observables
Returns: error value
Return type: int
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
HyWorksApi.activateObservables(‘Imeas1’, [‘a’, ‘b’])
HyWorksApi.activateObservables(‘Imeas1’, [])
addBus1ph(signalName, points, hitCheck=False, subcircuit=None):
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.addBus1ph HyWorksApiGRPC.addBus1ph HyWorksApiGRPC.
(signalName, points, hitCheck=False, subcircuit=None)Add a 1 phase bus to HYPERSIM model.
Parameters: signalName (str) – signal name
points (list[list[int]]) – list of points as X-Y coordinates
hitCheck (bool) – true to check for connections to other signals at both ends of the line
subcircuit (str) – subcircuit path
Returns: unique signal name
Return type: str
HyWorksApi.addBus1ph(‘myBus’, [[-700, 0], [700, 0]])
Info until connected to a power pin, a 1 phase bus is considered a control signal
addBus3ph(signalName, points, hitCheck=False, subcircuit=None):
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.addBus3ph HyWorksApiGRPC.addBus3ph HyWorksApiGRPC.
(signalName, points, hitCheck=False, subcircuit=None)Add a 3 phase bus to HYPERSIM model
Parameters: signalName (str) – signal name
points (list[list[int]]) – list of points as X-Y coordinates
hitCheck (bool) – true to check for connections to other signals at both ends of the line.
subcircuit (str) – subcircuit path
Returns: unique signal name
Return type: str
HyWorksApi.addBus3ph(‘myBus’, [[-700, 0], [700, 0]])
addControlSignal(signalName, points, hitCheck=False, subcircuit=None):
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.addControlSignal HyWorksApiGRPC.addControlSignal HyWorksApiGRPC.
(signalName, points, hitCheck=False, subcircuit=None)Add a control signal to HYPERSIM model
Parameters: signalName (str) – signal name
points (list[list[int]]) – list of points as X-Y coordinates
hitCheck (bool) – true to check for connections to other signals at both ends of the line.
subcircuit (str) – subcircuit path
Returns: unique signal name
Return type: str
HyWorksApi.addControlSignal(‘signal1’, [[-700, 0], [700, 0], [700, 700])
addDevice(libName, blocName, coordX=0, coordY=0, page=1, subcircuit=None, name=None):
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.addDevice HyWorksApiGRPC.addDevice HyWorksApiGRPC.
(libName, blocName, coordX=0, coordY=0, page=1, subcircuit=None, name=None)Add device to HYPERSIM model
Parameters: libName (str) – device library name
blocName (str) – device name
coordX (int) – X coordinate
coordY (int) – Y coordinate
page (int) – page number
subcircuit (str) – subcircuit path
name (str) – Name to assign to the device. If non, a default name will be assigned
Returns: unique device name, reusable in the other APIs
Return type: str
HyWorksApi.addDevice(‘Network RLC.clf’, ‘R grounded’, 700, 700)
HyWorksApi.addDevice(‘Network RLC.clf’, ‘R grounded’, 700, 700, 1, “MySubCircuit”, “Resistor1”)
Info The library name must include the .clf for this to work.
addPinsToDevice(name, cardinalPoint, function, pins, redraw=False):
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.addPinsToDevice HyWorksApiGRPC.addPinsToDevice HyWorksApiGRPC.
(name, cardinalPoint, function, pins, redraw=False)Add pins, bundles, or pins inside bundles on a device
Parameters: name (str) – device name
cardinalPoint (str) – Location on the symbol of the device
function (str) – The function of the listed pins. Input, Output or Power
pins (list[str]) – List of pins
redraw (bool) – if True, the symbol will be redrawn with a default representation
Returns: error value
Return type: int
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
HyWorksApi.addPinsToDevice(‘SubCircuit1’, ‘N’, ‘I’, [‘in1’], True)
HyWorksApi.addPinsToDevice(‘SubCircuit7’, ‘S’, ‘P’, [‘pow1’], True)
HyWorksApi.addPinsToDevice(‘SubCircuit1’, ‘W’, ‘O’, [‘Bundle1[o1]’, ‘Bundle1[o2]’, ‘Bundle1[o3]’], True)
And to make a sub circuit port connect with the sub circuit pins :
HyWorksApi.addPinsToDevice(‘SubCircuit1/SubCircuitPort’, ‘W’, ‘I’, [‘PORT[o1]’, ‘PORT[o2]’, ‘PORT[o3]’)
connectBundleToBundle(blocA, signalListA, blocB, signalListB):
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.connectBundleToBundle HyWorksApiGRPC.connectBundleToBundle HyWorksApiGRPC.
(blocA, signalListA, blocB, signalListB)Connect two bundle pins together
Parameters: blocA (str) – name of the first device
signalListA (list[str]) – list of first bundle signals. ex: [‘a’,’b’,’c’]
blocB (str) – name of the first pin
signalListB (list[str]) – list of second bundle signals. ex: [‘a’,’b’,’c’]
Returns: error value
Return type: int
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
connectDeviceToBus1ph(deviceName, pinName, signalName):
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.connectDeviceToBus1ph HyWorksApiGRPC.connectDeviceToBus1ph HyWorksApiGRPC.
(deviceName, pinName, signalName)Connects a device onto 1 phase bus
Parameters: deviceName (str) – device name
pinName (str) – device pin name
signalName (str) – signal name
Returns: error value
Return type: bool
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
HyWorksApi.connectDeviceToBus1ph(‘R1’, ‘net_1’, ‘myBus’)
HyWorksApi.connectDeviceToBus1ph(‘SubCC1/SubSubCC1/R3’, ‘net_1’, ‘myBus’)
connectDeviceToBus3ph(deviceName, pinName, signalName):
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.connectDeviceToBus3ph HyWorksApiGRPC.connectDeviceToBus3ph HyWorksApiGRPC.
(deviceName, pinName, signalName)Connects a device onto 3 phase bus
Parameters: deviceName (str) – device name
pinName (str) – device pin name
signalName (str) – signal name
Returns: error value
Return type: bool
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
HyWorksApi.connectDeviceToBus3ph(‘R1’, ‘net_1’, ‘myBus’)
HyWorksApi.connectDeviceToBus3ph(‘SubCC1/SubSubCC1/R3’, ‘net_1’, ‘myBus’)
connectDeviceToControlSignal(deviceName, pinName, signalName):
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.connectDeviceToControlSignal HyWorksApiGRPC.connectDeviceToControlSignal HyWorksApiGRPC.
(deviceName, pinName, signalName)Connects a device onto a control signal
Parameters: deviceName (str) – device name
pinName (str) – device pin name
signalName (str) – signal name
Returns: error value
Return type: bool
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
HyWorksApi.connectDeviceToControlSignal(‘Const1’, ‘y’, ‘s1’)
connectDevices(blocA, pinA, blocB, pinB, isThreePhaseAndPowerFlexible, signalName=None):
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.connectDevices HyWorksApiGRPC.connectDevices HyWorksApiGRPC.
(blocA, pinA, blocB, pinB, isThreePhaseAndPowerFlexible, signalName=None)Connect two device pins
Parameters: blocA (str) – name of the first device
pinA (str) – name of the first pin
blocB (str) – name of the second device
pinB (str) – name of the second pin
isThreePhaseAndPowerFlexible (bool) – make the connection 3 phase, for components which can be both 1 phase or 3 phases
signalName (str) – new signal name on the connection
Returns: error value
Return type: int
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
HyWorksApi.connectDevices(‘Max1’, ‘y’, ‘mySubCircuit’, ‘a1’, False)
HyWorksApi.connectDevices(‘mySubCircuit/B1’, ‘a1’, ‘mySubCircuit/Gain1’, ‘u’, False)
connectPinToBundle(blocA, pinA, blocB, signalListB):
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.connectPinToBundle HyWorksApiGRPC.connectPinToBundle HyWorksApiGRPC.
(blocA, pinA, blocB, signalListB)Connect a pin to a bundle’s signal
Parameters: blocA (str) – name of the first device
pinA (str) – pin name
blocB (str) – name of the second device
signalListB (str) – bundle signal name
Returns: error value
Return type: int
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
createSubCircuit(name, subType, coordX=0, coordY=0, page=1):
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.createSubCircuit HyWorksApiGRPC.createSubCircuit HyWorksApiGRPC.
(name, subType, coordX=0, coordY=0, page=1)Create a subcircuit with the specified ‘name’ and ‘subType’ at the given coordinates on the specified page.
Parameters: name (str) – subcircuit definition name
subType (str) – subcircuit type name. This name will show when redrawing the device
coordX (int) – X coordinate
coordY (int) – Y coordinate
page (int) – page number
Returns: unique device name
Return type: str
HyWorksApi.createSubCircuit(‘Subcircuit1’, 700, 700, 1)
HyWorksApi.createSubCircuit(‘Subcircuit1’, ‘THD’, 700, 700,1)
disconnectPin(deviceName, pinName, removeAllConnections=False):
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.disconnectPin HyWorksApiGRPC.disconnectPin HyWorksApiGRPC.
(deviceName, pinName, removeAllConnections=False)Disconnects the signal from a pin
Parameters: deviceName (str) – device name
pinName (str) – pinName
removeAllConnections (bool) – if True, also disconnects the pins of the connected devices, effectively removing completely the line connection of the design
Returns: error value
Return type: bool
HyWorksApi.disconnectPin(‘Cons1’, ‘y’)
HyWorksApi.disconnectPin(‘RC1’, ‘net_1’, True)
displayComponent(componentName, printAttributes=True, printSignals=True, printConnectors=True:
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.displayConnections HyWorksApiGRPC.displayConnections HyWorksApiGRPC.
(componentName)Print specified component interconnections to STDOUT
Parameters: componentName (str) – component name
Returns: error value
Return type: str
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
flipHorizontallyDevice(deviceName, keepConnections=True):
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.flipHorizontallyDevice HyWorksApiGRPC.flipHorizontallyDevice HyWorksApiGRPC.
(deviceName, keepConnections=True)Flips a device horizontally
Parameters: deviceName (str) – device name
keepConnections (bool) – true if pin connections should be kept
Returns: error value
Return type: bool
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
flipVerticallyDevice(deviceName, keepConnections=True):
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.flipVerticallyDevice HyWorksApiGRPC.flipVerticallyDevice HyWorksApiGRPC.
(deviceName, keepConnections=True)Flips a device vertically
Parameters: deviceName (str) – device name
keepConnections (bool) – true if pin connections should be kept
Returns: error value
Return type: bool
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
getComponentParameter(compName, compParam):
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.getComponentParameter HyWorksApiGRPC.getComponentParameter HyWorksApiGRPC.
(compName, compParam)Retrieve component parameter value
Parameters: compName (str) – component name
compParam (str) – component parameter
Returns: a list of 2 str, the first one being the value and the second one being the unit
Return type: list[str]
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
getCoordinates(deviceName, pinName=None):
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.getCoordinates HyWorksApiGRPC.getCoordinates HyWorksApiGRPC.
(deviceName, pinName=None)Retrieve the X-Y coordinates of a device or its pin
Parameters: deviceName (str) – device name
pinName (str) – pin name, can be non if only the position of the device is required
Returns: Returns a list of 2 int, representing the (X, Y) coordinates
Return type: list[int]
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
HyWorksApi.getCoordinates(‘MTL’, ‘baseVolt’)
getDeviceBundleChildPins(deviceName, pinName):
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.getDeviceBundleChildPins HyWorksApiGRPC.getDeviceBundleChildPins HyWorksApiGRPC.
(deviceName, pinName)Retrieve the list of all children pin names in a bundle pin of a device
Parameters: deviceName (str) – device name
pinName (str) – bundle pin name
Returns: the list of the sub-pin names
Return type: list[str]
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
HyWorksApi.getDeviceBundleChildPins(‘AC1A_1’, ‘In’)
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.getDeviceBundlePins HyWorksApiGRPC.getDeviceBundlePins HyWorksApiGRPC.
(deviceName)Retrieve the list of all pin names of type bundle on a device
Parameters: deviceName (str) – device name
Returns: list of pins of type bundle on a device
Return type: list[str]
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
getDevicePinTypes(deviceName: str, pinNames: list):
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.getDevicePinTypes HyWorksApiGRPC.getDevicePinTypes HyWorksApiGRPC.
(deviceName: str, pinNames: list)Retrieve the type (function) of certain pins on a device
Parameters: deviceName (list<str>) – device name
pinNames – pin names
Returns: list of types in the same order of pins requested. I = Input, O = Output, P = Power, S = Bundle
Return type: list[str]
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
HyWorksApi.getDevicePinTypes(‘POW1’, [‘A’, ‘P’, ‘net_1’])
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.importUCM HyWorksApiGRPC.importUCM HyWorksApiGRPC.
(defFilePath)Import UCM to current HYPERSIM model
Parameters: defFilePath (str) – path to UCM (… py: function: : )
Returns: error value
Return type: int
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
includeDevice(deviceName, include):
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.includeDevice HyWorksApiGRPC.includeDevice HyWorksApiGRPC.
(deviceName, include)Include or exclude a device in HYPERSIM model
Parameters: deviceName (str) – device name
include (bool) – true if device should be included, false if excluded
Returns: error value
Return type: bool
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.removeDevice HyWorksApiGRPC.removeDevice HyWorksApiGRPC.
(deviceName)Remove device from model
Parameters: deviceName (str) – device name
Returns: error value
Return type: int
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
renameDevice(oldDeviceName, newDeviceName):
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.renameDevice HyWorksApiGRPC.renameDevice HyWorksApiGRPC.
(oldDeviceName, newDeviceName)Rename a device inside the model
Parameters: oldDeviceName (str) – old device name
newDeviceName (str) – new device name
Returns: error value
Return type: int
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
HyWorksApi.renameDevice(‘DEV1’, ‘SubCircuit1’)
HyWorksApi.renameDevice(‘SubCircuit1/Gain1’, ‘SubCircuit1/factor’)
renameSignal(oldName, newName, visible=True):
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.renameSignal HyWorksApiGRPC.renameSignal HyWorksApiGRPC.
(oldName, newName, visible=True)Rename all signals sharing a name inside the model
Parameters: oldName (str) – old signal name
newName (str) – new signal name
visible (bool) – if name should be visible on the design
Returns: error value
Return type: bool
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
rotateLeftDevice(deviceName, keepConnections=True):
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.rotateLeftDevice HyWorksApiGRPC.rotateLeftDevice HyWorksApiGRPC.
(deviceName, keepConnections=True)Rotates a device to the left
Parameters: deviceName (str) – device name
keepConnections (bool) – true if pin connections should be kept
Returns: error value
Return type: bool
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
rotateRightDevice(deviceName, keepConnections=True):
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.rotateRightDevice HyWorksApiGRPC.rotateRightDevice HyWorksApiGRPC.
(deviceName, keepConnections=True)Rotates a device to the right
Parameters: deviceName (str) – device name
keepConnections (bool) – true if pin connections should be kept
Returns: error value
Return type: bool
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
setComponentParameter(compName, compParam, value):
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.setComponentParameter HyWorksApiGRPC.setComponentParameter HyWorksApiGRPC.
(compName, compParam, value)Set a component parameter to a certain value
Parameters: compName (str) – component name
compParam (str) – component parameter
value (str) – component value
Returns: error value
Return type: int
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
setComponentParameters(compNames, compParams, values):
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.setComponentParameters HyWorksApiGRPC.setComponentParameters HyWorksApiGRPC.
(compNames, compParams, values)Set multiple component parameters to specified values
Parameters: compNames (list of str) – list of component names
compParams (list of str) – list of component parameters
values (list of str) – list of component values
Returns: error value
Return type: int
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on errorraises exception on error
HyWorksApi.setComponentParameters([“comp1”, “comp2”], [“param1”, “param2”], [“value1”, “value2”])
setDeviceFillColor(name, colorHexRGB):
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.setDeviceFillColor HyWorksApiGRPC.setDeviceFillColor HyWorksApiGRPC.
(name, colorHexRGB)Set the fill color of the 2D shapes on a device symbol
Parameters: name (str) – device name
colorHexRGB (str) – RGB color in hex values
Returns: error value
Return type: int
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
HyWorksApi.setDeviceFillColor(‘Tr2’, ‘ff0000’)
setDeviceLineColor(name, colorHexRGB):
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.setDeviceLineColor HyWorksApiGRPC.setDeviceLineColor HyWorksApiGRPC.
(name, colorHexRGB)Set the color of the line segments on a device symbol
Parameters: name (str) – device name
colorHexRGB (str) – RGB color in hex values
Returns: error value
Return type: int
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
HyWorksApi.setDeviceLineColor(‘Tr2’, ‘ff0000’)
setDevicesNameVisibility(deviceList, isVisible):
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.setDevicesNameVisibility HyWorksApiGRPC.setDevicesNameVisibility HyWorksApiGRPC.
(deviceList, isVisible)Hide/Show devices name in the model.
Parameters: deviceList (list[str]) – list of devices name
isVisible (str) – visibility
Returns: error value
Return type: int
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
HyWorksApi.setDevicesNameVisibility([‘F18/CB4’, ‘F19/CB4’, ‘Dec1’, ‘Dec2’, ‘F1’], False)
setPinPhaseNumber(deviceName, pinName, value):
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.setPinPhaseNumber HyWorksApiGRPC.setPinPhaseNumber HyWorksApiGRPC.
(deviceName, pinName, value)Forces a power flexible pin to take a specific amount of phase. Normally, power flexible pins will use the same amount of phases for each power pin of the device. This call allows to disconnect this behaviourbehavior.
Parameters: deviceName (str) – device name
pinName (str) – pin name
value (int) – 1 or 3
Returns: error value
Return type: int
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
setSignalLineColor(signalName, colorHexRGB):
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.setSignalLineColor HyWorksApiGRPC.setSignalLineColor HyWorksApiGRPC.
(signalName, colorHexRGB)Set the line color of a signal
Parameters: signalName (str) – device name
colorHexRGB (str) – RGB color in hex values
Returns: error value
Return type: int
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
HyWorksApi.setSignalLineColor(‘WED7’, ‘ff0000’)
setSignalLineWidth(signalName, width):
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.setSignalLineWidth HyWorksApiGRPC.setSignalLineWidth HyWorksApiGRPC.
(signalName, width)Set the line width of a signal
Parameters: signalName (str) – device name
width (int) – width
Returns: error value
Return type: int
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
HyWorksApi.setSignalLineWidth(‘WED7’, 4)
setSubcircuitScripts(compName, initialValues, rules, variablesToTransmit, evaluateOnly=False):
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.setSubcircuitScripts HyWorksApiGRPC.setSubcircuitScripts HyWorksApiGRPC.
(compName, initialValues, rules, variablesToTransmit, evaluateOnly=False)
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.unbindUCMFromLibrary HyWorksApiGRPC.unbindUCMFromLibrary HyWorksApiGRPC.
updateUCM(deviceName, ucmPath=None):
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.updateUCM HyWorksApiGRPC.updateUCM HyWorksApiGRPC.
(deviceName, ucmPath=None)Update UCM
Parameters: deviceName (str) – UCM name
Returns: error value
Return type: int
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
editSensor(blocName, sensorName, IOType=None, IONumber=None, base=None, unit=None):
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.editSensor HyWorksApiGRPC.editSensor HyWorksApiGRPC.
(blocName, sensorName, IOType=None, IONumber=None, base=None, unit=None)Edit device sensor
Parameters: blocName (str) – device name
sensorName (str) – sensor name
IOType (str) – IO Type. ex: AD, DA, DI or DO
IONumber (int) – IO number
base (float) – base value
unit (str) – unit value
Returns: error value
Return type: int
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
HyWorksApi.editSensor(‘R1’, ‘Ia’, 1.0, ‘pu’, ‘DA’, 1001)
HyWorksApi.editSensor(‘R1’, ‘Ia’, base = 1.0, unit = ‘pu’)
HyWorksApi.editSensor(‘R1’, ‘Ia’, IOType = ‘DA’, IONumber = 1001)
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.getLastSensorValues HyWorksApiGRPC.getLastSensorValues HyWorksApiGRPC.
(sensorNames)Gets the last current value of a list of sensors while simulation is running
Parameters: sensorNames (list[str]) – list of sensor names as string
Returns: values in the same order as the sensor names
Return type: list[float]
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
HyWorksApi.getLastSensorValues([‘Const1.y’, ‘Subcircuit1/Gain1.u’, “/Subcircuit1/R15.Ia”])
getSensorInfo(blocName, sensorName, key):
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.getSensorInfo HyWorksApiGRPC.getSensorInfo HyWorksApiGRPC.
(blocName, sensorName, key)Get value for the specified key on the specified sensor
Parameters: blocName (str) – device name
sensorName (str) – sensor name
key (str) – key in sensor inf.
- Supported keys:
Returns: value of the specified key
Return type: str
getSensorsValues(sensorNames: List[str], timeLength, timeStart=0, acquisitionRate=Non:
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.loadSensors HyWorksApiGRPC.loadSensors HyWorksApiGRPC.
(filePath)Load sensor file to current model
Parameters: filePath (str) – path to sensor file (.sig, .csv)
Returns: error value
Return type: bool
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.selectAllSensors HyWorksApiGRPC.selectAllSensors HyWorksApiGRPC.
(blocName)Select all sensors for device
Parameters: blocName (str) – device name
Returns: error value
Return type: int
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
selectSensor(blocName, sensorName, selected=True):
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.selectSensor HyWorksApiGRPC.selectSensor HyWorksApiGRPC.
(blocName, sensorName, selected=True)Select device sensor
Parameters: blocName (str) – device name
sensorName (str) – sensor name
selected (bool) – selected
Returns: error value
Return type: int
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
setSensorDataLogger(blocName, sensorName, record, groupName, trigger):
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.setSensorDataLogger HyWorksApiGRPC.setSensorDataLogger HyWorksApiGRPC.
(blocName, sensorName, record, groupName, trigger)Set sensor parameter through datapoints
Parameters: blocName (str) – device name
sensorName (str) – sensor name
record (bool) – record signal
groupName (str) – signal group name
trigger (bool) – set signal as trigger for the group
Returns: error value
Return type: int
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
HyWorksApi.setSensorDataLogger(‘sine1’, ‘y’, True, ‘SIGNAL_GROUP_1’, False)
HyWorksApi.setSensorDataLogger(‘sine2’, ‘y’, True, ‘SIGNAL_GROUP_2’, True)
HyWorksApi.setSensorDataLogger(‘sine3’, ‘y’, False, ‘SIGNAL_GROUP_3’, False)
setSensorDataPoint(blocName, sensorName, exchangerTag, dataPointName, dataPointIdx):
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.setSensorDataPoint HyWorksApiGRPC.setSensorDataPoint HyWorksApiGRPC.
(blocName, sensorName, exchangerTag, dataPointName, dataPointIdx)Set sensor parameter through datapoints
Parameters: blocName (str) – device name
sensorName (str) – sensor name
exchangerTag (str) – exchanger tag
dataPointName (str) – data point name
dataPointIdx (str) – data point index
Returns: error value
Return type: int
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
HyWorksApi.setSensorDataPoint(‘Const_Amplitude’, ‘y’, ‘Signal Generator’, ‘Sine Waves/Sine Wave 1/Amplitude’, ‘0’)
HyWorksApi.setSensorDataPoint(‘Const_Frequency’, ‘y’, ‘Signal Generator’, ‘Sine Waves/Sine Wave 1/Frequency’, ‘0’)
HyWorksApi.setSensorDataPoint(‘Gain’, ‘u’, ‘Signal Generator’, ‘Sine Waves/Sine Wave 1/Output’, ‘0’)
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.analyze HyWorksApiGRPC.analyze HyWorksApiGRPC.
Returns: error value
Return type: int
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.buildTopology HyWorksApiGRPC.buildTopology HyWorksApiGRPC.
()Build topology
Returns: error value
Return type: int
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.clearCodeDir HyWorksApiGRPC.clearCodeDir HyWorksApiGRPC.
()Clear code directory
Returns: error value
Return type: int
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.genCode HyWorksApiGRPC.genCode HyWorksApiGRPC.
()Generate code
Returns: error value
Return type: int
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
getLoadFlowReport() :
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.getLoadFlowReport HyWorksApiGRPC.getLoadFlowReport HyWorksApiGRPC.
()Get the load-flow report (BETA: this feature is subject to improvements in the upcoming versions)
Returns: HYPERSIM load-flow report
Return type: LoadflowReport
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.getPreference HyWorksApiGRPC.getPreference HyWorksApiGRPC.
(prefName) Retrieve a model preferenceHyWorksApiGRPC.getPreference HyWorksApiGRPC.
(prefName)Retrieve a model preference Refer to the following pages of the documentation to find the preference names:
Parameters: prefName (str) – preference name
Returns: error value
Return type: int
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.mapTask HyWorksApiGRPC.mapTask HyWorksApiGRPC.
()Map tasks
Returns: error value
Return type: int
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
setPreference(prefName, value):
- Set a model preference to a specific value
on error
(prefName, value)setPreference(prefName, value):
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.setPreference HyWorksApiGRPC.setPreference HyWorksApiGRPC.
(prefName, value)Set a model preference to a specific value Refer to the following pages of the documentation to find the preference names:
Parameters: prefName (str) – preference name
value (str) – preference value
Returns: error value
Return type: int
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
setTarget(hostname, mode=None):
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.setTarget HyWorksApiGRPC.setTarget HyWorksApiGRPC.
(hostname, mode=None)Set simulation target
Parameters: hostname (str) – target IP
mode (str) – simulation mode. Options: - Offline (RTA): nrt_optimized - Offline (PMI) : nrt_mpi - Real-time : rt
Returns: error value
Return type: int
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.startLoadFlow HyWorksApiGRPC.startLoadFlow HyWorksApiGRPC.
()Load flow
Returns: error value
Return type: int
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.getMonitoringAllValues HyWorksApiGRPC.getMonitoringAllValues HyWorksApiGRPC.
()Get the current value of all monitors during simulation
Returns: a dictionary where the key is the monitor name, and the value is the current value
Return type: dict[str, str]
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.getMonitoringValue HyWorksApiGRPC.getMonitoringValue HyWorksApiGRPC.
(monitorName)Get the current value of a monitor during simulation
Parameters: monitorName (str) – Name of the monitor
Returns: value
Return type: str
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
getPreparationTimings(modelPath: str = None) :
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.getPreparationTimings HyWorksApiGRPC.getPreparationTimings HyWorksApiGRPC.
(modelPath: str = None)Get the timings of the preparation phase of the current or provided model. The preparation phase includes the topology build, analysis, load flow, task mapping, code generation, simulation start and simulation stop.
Parameters: modelPath (str) – path to the model file (Default: Currently opened model)
Returns: An object containing the performance information
Return type: SimulationPreparationTimingsInfo
getSimulationCoreTimings(modelPath: str = None) :
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.getSimulationCoreTimings HyWorksApiGRPC.getSimulationCoreTimings HyWorksApiGRPC.
(modelPath: str = None)Get the core timings of of the current or provided model. This function gives the timings of the steps that occur during the simulation for each core.
Parameters: modelPath (str) – path to the model file (Default: Currently opened model)
Returns: A list of objects containing the core timings
Return type: list[SimulationCoreTimingsInfo]
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.getSimulationTime HyWorksApiGRPC.getSimulationTime HyWorksApiGRPC.
()Get the current simulation time, in the unit of the Point-On-Wave
Returns: value
Return type: float
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
getSimulationTimings(modelPath: str = None) :
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.getSimulationTimings HyWorksApiGRPC.getSimulationTimings HyWorksApiGRPC.
(modelPath: str = None)Get the simulation timings of of the current or provided model. This function gives provides the timings of for the steps that occur during at the start of the simulation and the every during each subsequent iteration of the simulation.
Parameters: modelPath (str) – path to the model file (Default: Currently opened model)
Returns: An object containing the simulation timings
Return type: SimulationTimings
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.loadSnapshot HyWorksApiGRPC.loadSnapshot HyWorksApiGRPC.
()Loads a snapshot in the simulation
Returns: error value
Return type: int
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.resetMonitoring HyWorksApiGRPC.resetMonitoring HyWorksApiGRPC.
(cpuList)Reset performance indicators and timings for simulation
Parameters: cpuList (list[int]) – list of cpu cores to reset. ex: [1, 2, 3, 4] Returns error value
Return type: int
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.resetPerfIndic HyWorksApiGRPC.resetPerfIndic HyWorksApiGRPC.
(cpuList)Reset performance indicators for simulation
Parameters: cpuList (list[int]) – list of cpu cores to reset. ex: [1, 2, 3, 4] Returns error value
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.resetTiming HyWorksApiGRPC.resetTiming HyWorksApiGRPC.
(cpuList)Reset performance timing for simulation
Parameters: cpuList (list[int]) – list of cpu cores to reset. ex: [1, 2, 3, 4] Returns error value
Return type: int
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.simtrig HyWorksApiGRPC.simtrig HyWorksApiGRPC.
(sync)Trig the programmable devices in the simulation
Parameters: sync (bool) – synchronize with POW
Returns: error value
Return type: int
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.startMonitoring HyWorksApiGRPC.startMonitoring HyWorksApiGRPC.
()Start monitoring
Returns: error value
Return type: int
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.startSim HyWorksApiGRPC.startSim HyWorksApiGRPC.
()Start simulation
Returns: error value
Return type: int
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.stopMonitoring HyWorksApiGRPC.stopMonitoring HyWorksApiGRPC.
()Stop monitoring
Returns: error value
Return type: int
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.stopSim HyWorksApiGRPC.stopSim HyWorksApiGRPC.
()Stop simulation
Returns: error value
Return type: int
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.takeSnapshot HyWorksApiGRPC.takeSnapshot HyWorksApiGRPC.
()Takes a snapshot of the simulation
Returns: error value
Return type: int
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.addTargetToManager HyWorksApiGRPC.addTargetToManager HyWorksApiGRPC.
(targetHostName)Add target to HYPERSIM target manager
Parameters: targetHostName (str) – target IP
Returns: error value
Return type: int
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.diagnosticTarget HyWorksApiGRPC.diagnosticTarget HyWorksApiGRPC.
(targetHostName)Prints a diagnostic report of the target configuration.
Parameters: targetHostName (str) – target IP
Returns: diagnostic report on the target
Return type: str
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.getAllTargetsName HyWorksApiGRPC.getAllTargetsName HyWorksApiGRPC.
()Get all known targets by HYPERSIM target manager
Returns: list of all known targets
Return type: str
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.getCurrentVersionOnTarget HyWorksApiGRPC.getCurrentVersionOnTarget HyWorksApiGRPC.
(targetHostName)Get current HYPERSIM version on target
Parameters: targetHostName (str) – target IP
Returns: HYPERSIM version
Return type: str
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.getInstalledVersionOnTarget HyWorksApiGRPC.getInstalledVersionOnTarget HyWorksApiGRPC.
(targetHostName)Get all HYPERSIM versions installed on target
Parameters: targetHostName (str) – target IP
Returns: list of all HYPERSIM versions
Return type: str
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.installHypersimOnTarget HyWorksApiGRPC.installHypersimOnTarget HyWorksApiGRPC.
(targetHostName)Install HYPERSIM version on target
Parameters: targetHostName (str) – target IP
Returns: error value
Return type: int
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.isTargetReady HyWorksApiGRPC.isTargetReady HyWorksApiGRPC.
(targetHostName)Determine if target is ready for simulation
Parameters: targetHostName (str) – target IP
Returns: ready status
Return type: bool
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.removeTargetFromManager HyWorksApiGRPC.removeTargetFromManager HyWorksApiGRPC.
(targetHostName)Remove target from HYPERSIM target manager
Parameters: targetHostName (str) – target IP
Returns: error value
Return type: int
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error
switchVersionOnTarget(targetHostName, switchToVersion):
Anchor HyWorksApiGRPC.switchVersionOnTarget HyWorksApiGRPC.switchVersionOnTarget HyWorksApiGRPC.
(targetHostName, switchToVersion)Switch HYPERSIM versions on target
Parameters: targetHostName (str) – target IP
switchToVersion (str) – HYPERSIM version to switch to
Returns: error value
Return type: int
Raises: AssertionError – raises exception on error