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Spatial Harmonic PMSM drive using SSN with ultra-stable high-impedance mode (R2017b+)


Note that this demo requires eFPGAsim installed, for some shared files. (It does not require a working eFPGAsim license.)


The topology of the PMSM motor used in this demo (JMAG model 028)

The theory of the JMAG Spatial Harmonic PMSM (SH-PMSM) model is explained in detail here[1]

Cfm footnote
textC. Dufour, S. Cense, T. Yamada, R. Imamura, J. Belanger, “FPGA Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Floating-Point Models with Variable-DQ and Spatial Harmonic Finite-Element Analysis Solvers”, 15th Int. Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, EPE-PEMC 2012, Novi Sad, Serbia, Sept. 4-6, 2012

The Spatial Harmonic PMSM model is a phase-domain model with tables of differential inductance, total flux, and torque. The model notably includes the cogging torque.


Spatial Harmonic PMSM working equations

The SH-PMSM Flux equations are updated according to the values of current amplitude, current angle (atan(Id/Iq), and rotor position. Notably, the flux is integrated along the slope of the differential inductance at each operating point.


Incremental (or differential) inductance (SH slope) versus steady-state inductance (VDQ slope) at the operating point '0'

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Example of 3-D flux and torque tables


Other JMAG models can be used and many examples are available at According to the chosen motor Back-EMF and speed, the model sources amplitude and angle must be adjusted to produce reasonable currents and torque.



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