Examples ARTEMiS
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Examples ARTEMiS
- Basic ARTEMiS-SSN Examples and Applications
- ARTEMiS Zigzag-Y and Y-D Transformers with Switched Saturable Core
- Three-winding Transformer Model Using SSN User Coded Model
- Saturable Transformer with Continuously Variable Turn-ratio Using SSN External Group Feature
- ARTEMiS-SSN Inlined Time-Stamped Bridge in 2-level VSC-based HVDC Applications Using IVIC Algorithm SSN
- Simulation of Small HVDC System with Nodal State-Space SSN and Inlined Thyristor Valve Compensation ITVC Algorithms
- Simulation of Single Thyristor Rectifier with ARTEMIS ITVC Inlined Thyristor Valve Compensation
- RLC Energization and Effects of L-stable Solver
- Transformer Modeling With ARTEMiS Stublines
- ARTEMiS Distributed Parameter Line Usage to Decouple State-space System Equations
- Simulation of Switched Filter Circuit Using Nodal State-Space SSN Algorithm
- SSN Transmission Line Models
- Comparison of Wideband and Marti Models for 735 kV Overhead Lines
- SSN WideBand Line Models of 2nd Generation R2015a and up
- SSN Simulation of a WideBand Line Model With Full Phase Domain Fitting of Frequency Dependent Parameters
- SSN Simulation of a Marti-type Frequency Dependent Parameter Line 2nd Generation
- SSN Simulation of a Frequency Dependent Parameter Line Marti-type
- SSN Iterative Models iMOV and iSWITCHES
- Time Stamped Bridge TSB TSB-RD and SSN-based Inverters
- Simulation of Thyristor Extinction Angles in SSN
- ARTEMiS-SSN Real-time Simulation of Back-to-back Current Source Inverters SSN
- ARTEMiS Three-Level NPC Inverter Simulation with Compensation of Switching Events using Inlined Time-Stamped Bridge SSN
- Real-Time Simulation of a 3-phase Inverter Using 3-level NPC Time Stamped Bridge TSB
- Inverter Simulation with Time Stamped Bridge TSB Inverter Block
- Large AC-DC-AC Drive with AFE Rectifier, Motor Drive Inverter and Paralleled TSB-RD Models
- 3-level NPC, T-type and Flying Capacitor Inverters Using TSB-RD Models
- ARTEMiS Switch Primer Selecting the Switch Model/Method/Solver
- Distribution Grid Using SSN and Delay-free Parallel Simulation
- Active Distribution Grid with High Penetration of Distributed Generation Using SSN R2015a and up
- ENEL Distribution Grid Simulated in Real-time Without Delays
- Small Distribution Grid with Multiple Fault Test Capability with Mutual Inductances
- Small Distribution Grid with Multiple Fault Test Capability
- Delay-free Real-time Simulation of Distribution Grid with 650 Nodes with OLTC Transformer
- Delay-free Real-time Simulation of a Distribution Grid with 650 Nodes
- IEEE 13-bus Stubline Compensation
- IEEE 123-bus Stubline Compensation
- Rotating Machine Using SSN
- PMSM Motor Drive with 9 kHz Vector Control and Open-Phase Testing Capability
- Snubber-Free Induction Machine Model in SSN
- SSN Asynchronous Machines IM and DFIM with Rotor Turn Ratio and no Parasitic Load Requirement
- SSN Synchronous Machine with Field Terminal and no Minimum Parasitic Load or Snubber Requirement
- SSN JMAG Spatial Harmonic PMSM
- SSN User Custom Models
- Custom User's Nodal Code in SSN Using an SSN External Group with Series-parallel Execution of SSN RT-LAB Compatible
- Custom User's Nodal Code Interface with SSN Using SSN External Group Feature
- Simple Inductance Nodal Code Using SSN External Group Feature
- Distributed Parameter Line with Variable Fault Location Using SSN Beta
- Dynamic Load Using SSN Nodal Admittance Method to Provide Higher Stability than SPS
- Series RLC Load with On-line Modifiable RLC Parameters
- Parallel RLC Load with Online Modifiable RLC Parameters
- Drive and On-board System Applications Using SSN
- IEEE standard models
- Power Grid applications using SSN
- MMC-based HVDC power system using SSN and Opal-RT specialized MMC blockset
- Kundur Four Machines 2 Areas Power System Using SSN Synchronous Machines R2015a and up
- 48-pulse STATCOM Using High Impedance Capable TSB and SSN
- Static VAR Compensator Mvars Thyristors-based 1 TSR-3 TSC Using SSN
- Bipolar 12-pulse HVDC link with switched filter banks and Firing Pulse compensation
- SSN Advanced Applications
, multiple selections available,
OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | opal-rt.com | +1 514-935-2323
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