Note that ORION is an acronym for OPAL Remote IO Network.
The ORION To Wishbone Block is a communication bridge that translates ORION request into Wishbone protocol for low-speed serial communication medium using Manchester (IEEE802.3) encoding scheme. The block provides an infrastructure to allow in-system programming (flash update) of a remote system.
General Settings
Number of wishbone bridge | This is a non-modifiable parameter. It is being set to 64 by design. |
Unmapped register group | These are non-modifiable parameters and are design-specific. |
Wishbone Address Width | |
Wishbone Data Width | |
Number of replica | |
Trim Command from input stream | When enabled, it will remove the command header field from the input data stream. It should be noted that the ORION block has a similar parameter, thus if this is in the ORION block, the user should disable this field in the current block. |
Sample Period | This is a Non-modifiable parameter. |
RegAccessIn | Communication input port. This port should be connected to the RemoteRegAccessDataOut output port on the ORION communication block. |
RegAccessOut | Communication output port. This port should be connected to the RemoteRegAccessDataIn input port on the same ORION communication block. |
RxDecodingError | This status port indicates the communication error in the management of incoming data. |
Characteristics and Limitations
This Block has no specific characteristics or limitations
Direct Feedthrough | N/A |
Discrete sample time | N/A |
XHP support | N/A |
Work offline | YES |