Complete List of Changes in ARTEMiS 7.7.3
- Compatibility with RT-LAB 2023.1
New Features
- New Smart Inverter Control Simulink Toolbox (IEEE Std. 1547‐2018) to perform Rapid Control Prototyping (RCP) of smart inverter controllers
- New SSN Nodal Inverter models. These blocks replace IVIC inverter blocks. Demos upgraded.
- New ARTEMiS Variable PQ Load with Remote Calculation blocks. Improves the speed of large distribution grid demo by a factor 2 and more.
- Added support for MATLAB version R2022a
Enhancements & Bug Fixes
- Better performance on the new OPAL-RT hardware platforms ((Intel Xeon Scalable Processor based) by using vector processor instructions (AVX).
- Upgraded Switched Reluctance Motor model.
- 2-level TSB model compilation error (blob error) now fixed.
- Updated version of ssn_TrainTractionDrive example model (fixed compilation error) and AD_DRIVE06 example models
- Fixed simulation resetting automatically when enabling SSN
Known issues
- FD-line (Marti-type) 2nd generation model does not compile correctly (Ref. SOLVTT-451).
Deprecation and Removals
- Matlab/Simulink R2015B, R2016A, R2016B, R2017A, R2017B : end of support
Complete List of Changes in ARTEMiS 7.7.2
- Compatibility with RT-LAB 2022.1
New Features
- New SSN Spatial-Harmonic-PMSM model compatible with JMAG and Maxwell data formats. The model is snubber-free.
- New SSN '1-port' (grounded) or '2-port' Parallel-RLC and Series-RLC blocks. Port number are user selectable. SSN RLC blocks allow for on-line parameter modifications.
- New Smart Inverter library (beta)
- Steady-state initialization in SSN for source and linear parts.
Enhancements & Bug Fixes
- SSN-OLTC (v3) had a bug in code generation only. Fixed.
Complete List of Changes in ARTEMiS 7.7.1
- Compatibility with RT-LAB 2021.3
New Features
- New 5-level Neutral Point Clamped TSB-RD model and demo.
- New Virtual Educational Laboratory demo page. Included laboratories: synchronous machine and induction machine.
- New Machine models with constant admittance matrix. Can accelerate simulation by allowing prefactorization of the SSN admittance matrix.
Enhancements & Bug Fixes
- All SSN custom models (Machines, RLC, etc...) are now fully linked to the library and runnable in this mode.
- All SSN synchronous machine model optimization on the inductance inverse, now made separately in the d and q axes.
- ArtEvents TSDOUT bug resolved: ports numbers were not in order (beta).
Complete List of Changes in ARTEMiS 7.7.0
- Compatibility with RT-LAB 2021.2
New Features
- Support of MATLAB versions R2020a and R2020b.
Enhancements & Bug Fixes
Correction to the SSN-PMSM motor model: works correctly now with the delayed speed term option.
- Correction to the Banshee demo: added missing files required for execution in Simulink.
- Correction to the standard SPS IGBT model: now works correctly in ARTEMiS.
- ArtEvents PWM block now includes a phase shift option on the duty cycle for application with cascaded inverters with phase shifted carriers. (Beta)
- New demo with 5-level NPC inverter using TSB-RD. Model name: TSB_RD_5levelNPC_Drive.slx (Beta)
- Introductory Help page for the Opal-RT Machine Courseware.
- Multirate stubline parameter modification for easier parametrization.
- SSN-OLTC transformer parameter modification for easier parametrization.