This module facilitates the user to interface with the power curtailment block that governs the power distribution between the wind-turbine (WT) and photo-voltaic (PV) generation systems.
Mask and Parameters
Main parameter Tab
Name | Unit | Description |
Sample Time | s | This parameter allows the user to specify the block sample time in seconds. |
PVGS and WTGS parameters Tab
Name | Unit | Description |
Trip signal time delay | s | Apply a time delay to the generator trip signal in seconds. |
Minimum curtailment power | pu | Specify the minimum power in per-unit that can trigger the curtailment signal. |
Maximum curtailment power | pu | Specify the maximum power threshold beyond which the generation system will trip. |
Curtailment signal time delay | s | Apply a time delay to the curtailment signal in seconds. |
Power difference deadzone limits [MIN MAX] | pu | Specify the minimum and maximum limits of the deadzone for the difference between the set reference power and curtailment power. |
Power difference saturation limits [UPPER LOWER] | pu | Specify the lower and upper bounds of the saturation for the difference between the set reference power and curtailment power. |
Inputs, Outputs, and Signals Available for Monitoring
Name | Unit | Description |
PV P ref | pu | Reference power for the PV generation system in per-unit. |
WT P ref | pu | Reference power for the WT generation system in per-unit. |
Curtail P ref | pu | Power reference to be curtailed in per-unit. |
Name | Unit | Description |
WT P ref | Reference power output for the WTGS. | |
WT curtail enable | WTGS curtailment status. 1: cutailment on; 0: curtailment off. | |
PV P ref | Reference power output for the PVGS. | |
PV curtail enable | PVGS curtailment status. 1: cutailment on; 0: curtailment off. | |
PV trip | PVGS Trip signal status. 1: the unit is tripped; 0: the unit is not tripped. | |
WT trip | WTGS Trip signal status. 1: the unit is tripped; 0: the unit is not tripped. | |
Curtail enable | Curtailment signal status. 1: curtailment is in effect; 0: curtailment is not in effect |