This step is only required if, when you check for a valid Intel compiler license before migration to OPAL-RT, and you realize that your license is absent or is too old.
If your license is present and valid (2019 or newer), you can skip this step because the Intel compiler license is copied automatically from the old Red Hat Linux OS to the new OPAL-RTLinux during the automated migration execution.
This procedure is provided if the license needs to be manually copied to OPAL-RTLinux OS
Page Content
Intel Compiler License
At this point, you should have a valid Intel compiler license downloaded on your Windows computer.
See Check for a Valid Intel Compiler License
Connect to the OPAL-RTLinux Target in MobaXterm
You should have MobaXterm installed and configured on your Windows computer from a previous step, before the operating system migration. Refer to this page: Download, Install and Configure MobaXterm on your Computer
Starts MobaXterm.
Double-click on the configured session of your target in the left pane.
A terminal window opens.
MobaXterm won’t be able to connect directly to the target because the password for OPAL-RTLinux is different from the one for Red Hat Linux.
Type in the default password for OPAL-RTLinux. See the Quick Start Guide accompanying the USB key.
If asked to save password, answer Yes.
Upload Intel Compiler License to the Target
Navigate to the /opt/intel/licenses using the navigation tree on the left pane.
Input the /opt/intel/licenses in the navigation bar and press Enter.
Click on the upload button.
Navigate to the folder where you saved the license file and select the license file (*.lic).
The Intel compiler license is being uploaded to the target and appears in the /opt/intel/licenses folder.
You should see the license file appear in the left pane.