

The frequency dependent line model is an addon of eHS which allows to simulate up to five three-phases line.

It requires a configuration from the CPU made with the efsFrequencyDependentLineConfig class.

Mask Parameters

User block Index: By default, user block index is set to 0. Advance user, who wish to support more than five 3-phase line using a single LoadIn port may do so by assigning different values to the subsequent block.


FLWS eHS meas: This input is used to received data from the eHS to couple the line model with the eHS model. Type expected on this input is FLWS, for more information please refer to FLWS stream.

LoadIn: This input is to be connected to the 33 bits of the LoadIn port used to configure the lines.

LoadIn sof: This input is to be connected to the 1 bits of the LoadInSof port used to configure the lines.

Reset: This input is to be connected to the reset signal of the RT-XSG design.


FLWS output: This output is to be connected to the input of eHS. By default it should be connected to port 1, usually reserved for analog input. The 42 most significant bits are an extended single floating point, bit 0 is the last and bit 1 is the valid of the FLWS stream.

Characteristics and limitations

Models that include this block should be provided with a detailed description document. Refer to this document to obtain more information about the block specifications.

Direct FeedthroughNO
Discrete sample timeYES
XHP supportYES
Work offlineNO

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