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HYPERSIM Release Notes: 6.2.2
- Added cloud simulation capability
- Added monitoring of signal values in the schematics while the simulation is running
- Added several new example models in Generation, Transmission and Distribution, How To and Benchmarks
- Added license migration tool for OS license
- Added Network Switches and Converters - DC circuit breaker
- Added count of each and all components in the Netlist view
- Added possibility to export the netlist to an Excel file
- Added capability for the task mapper to take into account the I/O overhead time for interfaces configured with the I/O configuration tool
- Added capability to edit the base voltage of all buses in a level at once via the Netlist view
- Added HYPERSIM program size on disk in Windows "Programs and Features" panel
- Added text labels to clarify how to proceed after working in the I/O interface configuration tool
- Added help file link for each I/O interface in the I/O interface configuration tool
- Added support for Group Unit System and Prefix Multiplier on matrices in forms
- Added a backup file of the TableOut Excel file in TestView before overwriting it
- Added colors on data point names in the Sensors view to distinguish inputs and outputs
- Added mean to manually initialize voltage and current values in Network RLC components
- Added warning message on external control of LCC models to specify that misfiring can't be used in this mode
- Added a diagnostic on Windows 10 to validate if the Samba v1 client is installed
- Added X and pin buttons to manage bottom/top tables in the I/O interface configuration tool
- Added new components "GTO + Diode" and "Thyristor + Diode" to standard library
- Added Wideband line/cable fitter component in Network Lines and Cables library
- Added content comparison with previous license file before installing a new target license
- Added Z-based transformers current sensors for secondary and tertiary windings
- Added new components "4-winding, 1-ph", "4-winding, 1-ph w/ sat" and "4-winding, 1-ph, w/ sat" to standard library
- Improved protection example model Distance 21 POTT usability
- Improved default repository used in file browsers in several cases
- Improved generic performance and usability of the I/O interfaces configuration tool
- Improved license information displayed by the simulation server
- Improved line parameters validation when comparing double values in HyperView Line tool
- Improved software stability when changing network interface or IP address, e.g. when changing from cable to WiFi or changing WiFi location
- Improved load flow report to provide an internal voltage value that considers Xd and Xq
- Refactored the I/O interface configuration tool for better functionality
- Refactored the Netlist view for better functionality
- Refactored the Target manager for better functionality
- Fixed Network Machines - Synch. machine (dq0-hydraulic) form: Isat and phiSat are now automatically updated
- Fixed "State-space" form issue with initial conditions
- Fixed component categories in ScopeView and the Netlist view to match the standard libraries
- Fixed issue where an OPREC file opened in two different ways was treated by ScopeView as two different sources
- Fixed TestView Hide and OK buttons in the Scope window while processing
- Fixed data logger incorrect use of the calculation step and execution time step
- Fixed simulation crash when using Continuous acquisition in ScopeView
- Fixed diode, GTO, thyristor and thyristor back-to-back forms and pins
- Fixed issue in the I/O interface configuration tool where certain table entries were being hidden
- Fixed wrong pin type and location in "LCC inverter oriented (avg)"
- Fixed missing mode 3 and 4 default values in "Constant param, 4-ph" line
- Fixed Z-based transformers current issues when using Y-ground with user-defined impedance or Y-neutral
- Removed "Bus to ABC" from parts library
- Removed recordCount parameter from data logger configuration
I/O Interfaces
- Increased the number of analog inputs and outputs from 128 to 256
C37.118 Master
- Added support for OPAL-RTLinux 64-bit
- Broke backward compatibility with configuration via files, the I/O interface configuration tool must be used instead
C37.118 Slave
- Added support for OPAL-RTLinux 64-bit
DNP3 Master
- Added support for OPAL-RTLinux 64-bit
DNP3 Slave
- Added support for OPAL-RTLinux 64-bit
- Added support for a faster and more automated means of connecting to and synchronizing remote I/O over fiber optics
- Added support for configuration via GUI
- Added support for PWM inputs and outputs
Signal Generator
- Added support for configuration via GUI
- Added support for configuration via GUI
FPGA-Based Simulation
- OPAL-RT brings together its two most powerful solvers to get the best of both worlds. You can now run simulations with time steps in the nanosecond range thanks to our FPGA-based solver.
OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | | +1 514-935-2323