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Controller parameters

Firing (0 = internal, 1 = external, Simulink=2, Control Block=3): Specifies the source of firing pulses;


  • Model name: Name of the Simulink model;
  • Model directory: Name of the directory in which the Simulink model is stored;
  • Execution time: Estimated or measured execution time of the Simulink model.
  • UCC command: Always disable (not yet supported).

As a Rectifier:

  • KI Id: Integral gain of the PI current regulator (degrees/pu/second);
  • KP Id: Proportional gain of the PI current regulator (degrees/pu/second);
  • αmin: Lower limit of the delay angle α (degrees);
  • αmax: Upper limit of the delay angle α (degrees).
  • Δα1, Δα2: Limit values for the positive variation of delay angle α (degrees)) (See Figure 11-11);
  • Δα3, Δα4: Limit values for the negative variation of delay angle α (degrees) (See Figure 11-11);

As an inverter:

  • KI Id: Integral gain of the PI current regulator (degrees/pu);
  • KP Id: Proportional gain of the PI current regulator (degrees/pu);
  • KI Vd: Integral gain of the PI voltage regulator (degrees/pu);
  • KP Vd: Proportional gain of the PI voltage regulator (degrees/pu);
  • γmin: Lower limit for the γ angle (degrees);
  • αmin: Lower limit for the α angle (degrees);
  • Id Margin: Current margin (pu);
  • Vd Margin: Voltage margin (pu);
  • Δα1, Δα2: Limit values for the positive variation of delay angle α (degrees) (See Figure 11-11);
  • Δα3: Limit value for the negative variation of delay angle α (degrees) (See Figure 11-11);

Synchronization system at firing:

  • Synchronization mode (Equidistant, Equiangular): “Equidistant” for equidistant synchronization mode; “Equiangular” for equiangular synchronization mode.
  • Vmin: Minimum voltage value at valve terminal, so that the equidistant synchronization mode can fire the valve (pu).
  • K osc: Oscillator gain.
  • Tap changer transformer with decoupling element: “Enabled”, “Disabled”.
  • Transformation ratio, in the event that this last transformer is not used: “Ratio”, where 1.0 (pu) represents the rated ratio Ns/Np.

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